Saturday 7 April 2018

Encargos de transação forex sbi

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Custos de transação de Forex sbi
Invista online em Acções, Derivados, IPOs e Fundos Mútuos com o conforto da sua casa ou escritório através da nossa conta 4 em 1, que consiste em:
Conta do NRE Savings Bank (SB) Conta de Esquema de Investimento de Carteira NRE (PIS) Conta de Negociação da Conta Demat.
Recursos da conta PIS:
Remessas internas em contas NRE ou FCNR (B) Transferência de outras contas NRE ou FCNR (B) Receitas de vendas (após pagamento de impostos) de ações e debêntures conversíveis que foram adquiridas em base de repatriação sob PIS e vendidas em bolsa de valores por corretora registrada Dividendos ou rendimentos auferidos em investimentos no PIS.
Remessas externas de dividendos ou rendimentos auferidos Valores pagos por aquisição de ações e debêntures conversíveis em bases de repatriação em bolsas de valores por meio de corretora registrada sob PIS Quaisquer encargos decorrentes de venda / compra de ações ou debêntures conversíveis em ações ao abrigo do PIS.
Estrutura de carga:
Para o 1.º ano de funcionamento: 1 ano após ano: Rs. 1000 / -
Para transação até Rs. 10.000: 0,50% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço Para transações entre Rs. 10,001 & ndash; Rs. 50.000: 0.45% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço Para transação entre Rs. 50,001 & ndash; Rs. 2.00.000: 0,40% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço Para transação entre Rs. 2,00,001 & ndash; Rs. 5,00,000: 0,35% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço Para transação entre Rs. 5,00,001 - Rs. 10.00.000: 0.30% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço Para transações acima de Rs. 10.00.000: 0,25% do valor da transação por script + taxa de serviço.
Para abrir uma conta 4-em-1 com o SBI e o SBI CAPSEC:
Por favor, preencha os seguintes pedidos de abertura de conta e envie-os para a sua filial doméstica desejada ou existente na Índia, juntamente com os documentos KYC de apoio, conforme mencionado nas aplicações:
Por favor, preencha o pedido de abertura de conta NRE SB, se não tiver atualmente. Por favor clique aqui para aplicá-lo através do nosso Aplicativo de Abertura de Conta Online ou clique aqui para baixar o aplicativo para preenchê-lo manualmente. Por favor, preencha o requerimento de abertura de conta do NRE Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). Por favor, note que os novos documentos KYC não precisam ser enviados para abertura da conta PIS, desde que você já tenha uma conta NRE SB em conformidade com KYC. Clique aqui para baixar o aplicativo e preenchê-lo manualmente. Por favor, preencha Demat e Trading Accounts abertura aplicação do SBI CAPSEC. Clique aqui para baixar os aplicativos do site do SBI CAPSEC.
Para abrir o SB & amp; Contas PIS com SBI e Demat & amp; Contas de negociação com outro corretor:
Por favor, preencha os seguintes pedidos de abertura de conta e envie-os para a sua filial doméstica desejada ou existente na Índia, juntamente com os documentos KYC de apoio, conforme mencionado nas aplicações:
Por favor, preencha o pedido de abertura de conta NRE SB, se não tiver atualmente. Por favor clique aqui para aplicá-lo através do nosso Aplicativo de Abertura de Conta Online ou clique aqui para baixar o aplicativo para preenchê-lo manualmente. Por favor, preencha o requerimento de abertura de conta do NRE Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). Por favor, note que os novos documentos KYC não precisam ser enviados para abertura da conta PIS, desde que você já tenha uma conta NRE SB em conformidade com KYC. Clique aqui para baixar o aplicativo e preenchê-lo manualmente. Por favor, forneça detalhes de suas Contas Demat e Trading, se já existirem, ou abra essas contas com o corretor de sua escolha e forneça os detalhes do mesmo no aplicativo de abertura de conta do PIS.
Isenção de responsabilidade: Banco do Estado da Índia e SBI O CAPSEC não solicita investimentos de NRIs residentes nos EUA, Reino Unido, Canadá e Japão devido a restrições regulatórias. Por favor, estude cada produto / serviço de investimento de forma independente e avalie a repatriabilidade do investimento. Qualquer pessoa pode utilizá-lo em uma base não solicitada, mas deve consultar seu consultor fiscal / financeiro em relação a quaisquer exigências de relatórios estatutários ou obrigações fiscais a que possam estar sujeitos.
& # 169; Copyright SBI NRI Services 2014, Todos os direitos reservados.
As diretrizes emitidas pelo RBI relacionadas ao & lsquo; Know Your Customer & rsquo; As normas (KYC) obrigam o Banco a atualizar periodicamente o registro do cliente com informações atuais relacionadas à identidade e endereço do cliente. Assim, sua conta conosco será atualizada, se tiver sido aberta há mais de dois anos.
Portanto, você é solicitado a enviar documentos para re-KYC para sua filial local, juntamente com a carta de solicitação. Por favor, clique aqui, para baixar a carta de solicitação padrão contendo os documentos e informações necessárias.
Solicitamos sua cooperação para tornar sua conta compatível com as diretrizes regulamentares.
No caso, você esqueceu sua senha de login para sua instalação de Internet Banking (INB), ela pode ser redefinida on-line, com a ajuda de sua senha de perfil.
Para o efeito, por favor clique em & # 44; Esqueceu a senha de Login? na página de login do Personal Banking e siga as instruções.
Começamos a enviar por e-mail uma posição detalhada das contas NRI como um anexo em PDF protegido por senha no endereço de e-mail registrado, a partir de 14 de março. Em caso de problemas, entre em contato com sua agência.
Agora, você pode fazer uma solicitação de remessa ou transferência de fundos (forex) a favor de si ou de terceiros da sua conta do NRE Savings Bank ou da conta de depósito fixo NRE ou de titulares da conta FCNR (B) em qualquer conta no Internet Banking.
Para usar este recurso, siga o procedimento abaixo mencionado:
Por favor, faça o login na sua conta INB Clique em & lsquo; e-Services & rsquo; tab Por favor, clique em & Ns serviços & rsquo; aparecendo na coluna do lado esquerdo Por favor, clique em & nbsp; Remessa para fora da conta NRE / FCNR (B) & rsquo; Por favor, adicione o beneficiário a quem a remessa deve ser enviada. Uma vez que o beneficiário tenha sido adicionado e ativado, selecione / insira os detalhes da solicitação e proceda de acordo.
Agora, você pode fazer um pedido de descarte de uma remessa esperada em sua conta NRE / NRO conosco. Ele servirá três propósitos, conforme mencionado abaixo:
Rastreamento e descarte de novas remessas Criação de depósitos múltiplos Solicitação de criação de depósitos FCNR (B).
Para usar este recurso, por favor vá para? Pedido de Descarte de Remessa Interna? sob, Serviços NRI? guia de & lsquo; e-Services & rsquo; na barra de menus da sua conta do Internet Banking.
Se você não solicitou o Internet Banking (INB) mais cedo ou não possui instalações do INB, agora é possível se registrar por conta própria online sem visitar a agência.
Simplesmente, você precisa preencher os detalhes da sua conta para criar seu nome de usuário e senhas temporários e, a partir daí, autenticá-lo por qualquer um dos seguintes modos:
Inserindo os detalhes do cartão do caixa eletrônico vinculados à sua conta Ao enviar uma carta de solicitação, será gerada durante o processo de registro que você deve enviar / correio para a sua filial residencial para a ativação da INB. Após a ativação da INB, você receberá um alerta por SMS sobre a ativação.
Para se inscrever, siga o procedimento abaixo mencionado:
Agora, você pode ativar seu cartão de débito e gerar o PIN do caixa eletrônico instantaneamente por meio do serviço de internet banking. Para usar este recurso, siga o procedimento abaixo mencionado:
Para ativação do cartão de débito:
Para geração de PIN do ATM:
Agora você pode adicionar, alterar, cancelar ou perguntar a um nomeado em seu banco de poupança NRE / NRO ou contas de depósito NRE / NRO / FCNR (B) através do Internet Banking (INB). Para usar esta função, por favor siga o procedimento abaixo mencionado:
Por favor, faça o login na sua conta SBI Personal Banking (onlinesbi /) Por favor, clique em & lsquo; e-Services & rsquo; Por favor, clique em & lsquo; Nomeação on-line & rsquo; na coluna do lado esquerdo e a página exibirá várias contas de depósito mantidas por você conosco. Por favor, escolha a conta e clique em qualquer um do seguinte guia para o necessário:
& gt; Inscrição de inscrição & rsquo; para adicionar um candidato, se nenhum candidato estiver atualmente vinculado à sua conta "Inquire Nomination & rsquo; para verificar qual candidato está atualmente vinculado a sua conta & quot; Cancelar nomeação & rsquo; para remover o nomeado da conta.
Para mudar o candidato existente, por favor cancele primeiro o candidato e depois registre um novo candidato de acordo com o procedimento mencionado acima.
Agora, você pode criar uma conta de cheque especial (OD) contra o seu depósito existente NRE / NRO através do internet banking.
Para criá-lo, siga o procedimento abaixo mencionado:
Por favor, faça o login na sua conta INB Por favor, clique em & lsquo; e-Fixed Deposit & rsquo; tab Por favor, clique em "Descoberto" contra depósito fixo & rsquo; da coluna do lado esquerdo Por favor, selecione um depósito e proceda de acordo.

SBI revendo taxas de saldo mínimo para contas de poupança.
Decisões do SBI sobre cobranças de transações, saldo mínimo afetarão os clientes: corpo da equipe do RBI.
Os clientes da SBI terão que pagar taxas de serviço mais altas a partir de hoje.
Após 5 anos, SBI cobrar por violação do saldo mínimo a partir de abril.
O State Bank of India informou que está revisando as cobranças para certas categorias de contas pela não manutenção do saldo médio mensal (MAB) após receber feedback dos clientes.
Em abril deste ano, o maior credor do país reintroduziu os encargos sobre a não manutenção do saldo médio mensal (MAB) após um intervalo de cinco anos.
“Recebemos comentários de nossos clientes sobre o problema e estamos analisando esses problemas. O banco levará isso em conta e tomará uma decisão informada ”, disse o diretor administrativo do banco (grupo bancário nacional), Rajnish Kumar, à PTI.
“Discutiremos internamente se alguma moderação para certas categorias de clientes, como idosos e estudantes, precisa ser feita em qualquer lugar. As acusações nunca são expressas em ferro ”.
Enquanto isso, o Fórum Unificado dos Sindicatos de Bancos (UFBU), uma organização abrangente de todos os sindicatos de bancos, buscou a intervenção do ministro da Fazenda, Arun Jaitley, para reverter o aumento nas acusações impostas aos clientes.
Além disso, os representantes da UFBU, em uma reunião com o ministro da Fazenda em 15 de setembro, também pediram que ele parasse com a fusão de bancos do setor público.
No que diz respeito ao aumento dos maus empréstimos, os sindicatos têm feito a sugestão de declarar inadimplentes intencionalmente como criminosos, disse o Secretário Geral Conjunto da Confederação dos Funcionários do Banco da Índia (AIBOC), Ravinder Gupta. AIBOC é um dos sindicatos de oficiais de banco da UFBU.
Afirmou ainda que, por um lado, os bancos estão a anular os empréstimos das grandes empresas, por outro lado, aumentam as despesas dos seus clientes. Isso é injusto e os sindicatos pediram ao ministro da Fazenda sua intervenção.
De acordo com a lista de encargos revisados ​​do SBI, a falha em manter o saldo médio mensal em contas atrairá multa de até R $ 100, mais o imposto sobre bens e serviços (ICMS).
Nas áreas metropolitanas, haverá uma cobrança de Rs 100 mais GST, se o saldo cair abaixo de 75% do MAB de Rs 5.000. Se o déficit for de 50% ou menos do MAB, o banco cobrará Rs 50 mais GST.
Nas áreas rurais, a exigência de saldo médio mensal foi mantida em Rs 1.000. Qualquer déficit na manutenção do equilíbrio mínimo em áreas rurais pode atrair penalidade na faixa de Rs 20 a Rs 50 mais GST.
Kumar disse que o banco tem mais de 40 milhões de contas bancárias, o que inclui 13 milhões de dólares de contas do Basic Savings Bank Deposit (BSBD) e Pradhan Mantri Jan - Dhan Yojana (PMJDY).
O banco isentou as contas BSBD e PMJDY de manter o requisito de saldo mínimo.
Das 27 milhões de contas bancárias normais, quase 15% a 20% são aquelas em que os clientes não mantêm o saldo médio mensal.
O banco em abril havia dado avisos a todos os correntistas que não tinham saldo médio mensal e pediu que mantivessem o saldo mínimo em maio.
“Quando não mantiveram o saldo médio mensal em maio, recuperamos em junho. Nós havíamos recuperado Rs 235 crore de tais correntistas como multa ”, disse Kumar.
Ele disse que há um custo enorme em manter as contas de poupança e que os bancos devem ter permissão para recuperar alguns custos.
“Há muitos custos operacionais. Também temos que investir uma quantia enorme de dinheiro em tecnologia. Existem alguns custos que eu acho que o banco deve recuperar ”, disse Kumar, acrescentando que os encargos que a SBI está cobrando pela não manutenção do saldo mínimo são muito competitivos em comparação com outros credores.
Ele disse que um corretor de poupanças normal tem a opção de converter sua conta em conta BSBD, o que o isentará de manter o saldo médio mensal.
Decisões do SBI sobre cobranças de transações, saldo mínimo afetarão os clientes: corpo da equipe do RBI.
Os clientes da SBI terão que pagar taxas de serviço mais altas a partir de hoje.
Após 5 anos, SBI cobrar por violação do saldo mínimo a partir de abril.
Obtenha mais das suas notícias favoritas na sua caixa de entrada.
Por favor insira um endereço de e-mail válido. Obrigado.
Obtendo recomendações apenas para você.
Dinheiro e Banca.
Ter forte apoio soberano, capital adequado, PNB garante aos clientes.
Ter forte apoio soberano, capital adequado, PNB garante aos clientes.
O golpe PNB garantiu aos investidores e clientes que ele tem uma força forte.
O golpe PNB garantiu aos investidores e clientes que ele tem uma força forte.
Últimas em dinheiro e bancos.
Ter forte apoio soberano, capital adequado, PNB garante aos clientes.
O golpe PNB garantiu aos investidores e clientes que ele tem uma força forte.
O empréstimo da Rotomac transformou o NPA no FY16; fez provisão completa: Banco da Índia.
Na quarta-feira, o Bank of India, da Trust of India State, disse que sim.
Golpe de Nirav Modi: as autoridades da I-T questionam o alto escalão do PNB.
CBI prende oficial da PNB do posto da GM postado na sede.
No Dhanlaxmi Bank, os policiais avançam para ajudar a lidar com os NPAs.
O corpo de oficiais liderará uma campanha de recuperação de empréstimos para dar a volta ao banco.
Para parceiro de bancassurance, Bharti Axa Life em conversações com vários bancos, diz CEO.
Seguradora confiante de roping em um banco em 2018-19.
5 de 6 membros do MPC votaram pelo status quo na taxa de recompra.
Actas do painel de política monetária em que se defrontam o impacto inflacionário de.
Banco IDFC lança operações em Telangana.
O IDFC Bank lançou serviços em Telangana hoje como parte de seu programa.
Fraude PNB: Centro se opõe ao apelo da sonda SIT.
O Centro hoje opôs no Supremo Tribunal um PIL buscando um.
YES Bank para levantar Rs 3.000 cr via títulos Basel-III.
O YES Bank disse hoje que seu comitê de aumento de capital deu sua aprovação.
A Venezuela começa a vender criptomoedas apoiadas pelo petróleo.
A Petro é a primeira moeda digital com suporte estatal do mundo.
Últimas em dinheiro e bancos.
Ter forte apoio soberano, capital adequado, PNB garante aos clientes.
O golpe PNB garantiu aos investidores e clientes que ele tem uma força forte.
O empréstimo da Rotomac transformou o NPA no FY16; fez provisão completa: Banco da Índia.
Na quarta-feira, o Bank of India, da Trust of India State, disse que sim.
Golpe de Nirav Modi: as autoridades da I-T questionam o alto escalão do PNB.
CBI prende oficial da PNB do posto da GM postado na sede.
No Dhanlaxmi Bank, os policiais avançam para ajudar a lidar com os NPAs.
O corpo de oficiais liderará uma campanha de recuperação de empréstimos para dar a volta ao banco.
Para parceiro de bancassurance, Bharti Axa Life em conversações com vários bancos, diz CEO.
Seguradora confiante de roping em um banco em 2018-19.
5 de 6 membros do MPC votaram pelo status quo na taxa de recompra.
Actas do painel de política monetária em que se defrontam o impacto inflacionário de.
Banco IDFC lança operações em Telangana.
O IDFC Bank lançou serviços em Telangana hoje como parte de seu programa.
Fraude PNB: Centro se opõe ao apelo da sonda SIT.
O Centro hoje opôs no Supremo Tribunal um PIL buscando um.
YES Bank para levantar Rs 3.000 cr via títulos Basel-III.
O YES Bank disse hoje que seu comitê de aumento de capital deu sua aprovação.
A Venezuela começa a vender criptomoedas apoiadas pelo petróleo.
A Petro é a primeira moeda digital com suporte estatal do mundo.
Não mais no modo avião.
A recomendação do TRAI para permitir serviços Wi-Fi em voo é um passo positivo e, se estruturado adequadamente,.
Contagem regressiva para o Mobile World Congress.
O show para todas as coisas móveis está a poucos dias de distância, com Samsung, Xiaomi e outros todos chegando com o carro-chefe.
O outro, o mais alto telefone Redmi.
Pague um pouco mais e ganhe um pouco mais se quiser um dispositivo mais rápido com uma câmera melhor.
Ótimo som para impulsionar seus treinos.
Se você é do tipo ao ar livre, o novo Soundsport Free da Bose pode se adequar ao seu estilo. Eles não são gratuitos em dinheiro.
Quantum Long Term Equity: Este é para o seu portfólio principal.
Este fundo de grande capitalização é uma boa opção para investidores de longo prazo que procuram um participante de valor.
Icici Prudential Focada em Patrimônio Líquido: Retorno seguro com foco de grande capitalização.
O fundo tem contido perdas durante as baixas, oferecendo retornos saudáveis.
Man Indústrias India (₹ 126.8)
Investidores com perspectiva de curto prazo podem comprar ações da Man Industries (Índia) nos níveis atuais. O .
Day Trading Guide For 22 de fevereiro.
Dada a seguir são suportes e resistências para Nifty 50 futuros e sete ações principais que podem ajudar no seu.
Livros de culinária: as edições medievais.
Elaborar receitas indianas registradas há quase cinco séculos, hoje estão espalhadas em bibliotecas e museus.
Questionário sobre espíritos.
Na demanda popular, o quiz desta semana é sobre espíritos.1 Qual frase de duas palavras deve ter.
Dia de Felinetines.
Nas últimas três noites, fomos aterrorizados pelos gritos mais horríveis. Política do gato: dois machos, um.
Jailbird por um dia.
Uma cadeia de 222 anos em Telangana está vendo uma enxurrada de visitantes dispostos a pagar por um pouco da vida na prisão.
Montando em aspirações.
A nova promessa de marca da Tata Motors entra em foco na Auto Expo.
Colocando pimenta para trabalhar.
O robô humanóide da SoftBank pode ser amigo, embaixador da marca e ativo comercial.
Novo visual para a Lufthansa.
A Lufthansa revelou uma imagem de marca modernizada para a era digital. Um comunicado de imprensa diz o mais visível.
A IA governa a mentalidade dos profissionais de marketing.
Uma pesquisa do LinkedIn diz que a tecnologia dominará os esforços para personalizar o marketing.
A revolução silenciosa do LPG.
O esquema de Ujjwala está permitindo que as mulheres rurais fujam do trabalho penoso e dos efeitos negativos do uso na saúde.
Ujjwala ilumina sonhos.
Apenas 20 quilômetros de Ahmedabad, em um Thakor vaas em Manipur aldeia de Sanand Taluka, Kaliben Thakor.
Snafus no círculo eleitoral do PM.
Aldeias modestas ao longo da estrada do aeroporto de Varanasi até a cidade contam um conto de como após a inicial.
Desafio é mudar o padrão comportamental: Pradhan.
Dharmendra Pradhan, Ministro do Petróleo e Gás Natural, está satisfeito com o sucesso de Pradhan Mantri.

Cartão SBI.
Cartões de crédito.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Transferência de Saldo na EMI.
Transferir saldos pendentes de seus outros cartões de crédito para o cartão SBI e pagar em EMIs.
Pague Online.
Pague offline.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Conheça os seus pontos de recompensa.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Cartão SimplyCLICK SBI.
Casa Pessoal.
Casa corporativa.
Quem somos em casa.
Alguns detalhes para começar.
Privilégios no cartão SBI ELITE.
Saiba o que você teria direito com este cartão.
Presente de boas vindas.
Bem-vindo e-Gift Voucher no valor de Rs. 5.000 Escolha entre uma variedade de marcas de viagens e estilo de vida: Yatra, Hush Puppies / Bata, Marks & amp; Spencer, Pantaloons e Shoppers Stop Saiba mais.
Presente de boas vindas.
Você receberá um SMS para escolher entre as opções de e-voucher no prazo de 15 dias do pagamento das taxas anuais. O e-voucher será enviado para o seu número de celular / e-mail registrado, dentro de 5 dias da solicitação. Para Marcas & amp; Spencer, Pantaloons, Shoppers Stop e Hush Puppies / Bata, você pode resgatar seu voucher de e-presente mostrando o código na loja da marca. Para Yatra e Shopper Stop, você pode resgatar o código on-line no momento da compra.
Bilhetes de cinema gratuitos.
Ingressos de filmes grátis no valor de Rs. 6.000 por ano Transacção válida por pelo menos 2 bilhetes por reserva por mês. O desconto máximo é de Rs. 250 / bilhete para apenas 2 bilhetes. A taxa de conveniência será cobrada Saiba mais.
Bilhetes de cinema gratuitos.
Esta oferta é válida somente para cartões principais. Para conhecer o processo de resgate, clique aqui.
Privilégios de Marco.
Ganhe até 50.000 Pontos de Recompensa de Bônus no valor de Rs. 12.500 / ano Ganhe 10.000 pontos de recompensa de bônus ao atingir gastos anuais de Rs. 3 lakhs e 4 lakhs Saiba mais.
Privilégios de Marco.
Ganhe 15.000 Pontos de Recompensa de bônus ao atingir gastos anuais de Rs. 5 lakhs e 8 lakhs Gastar com base na reversão da taxa anual em gastos de Rs. 10 Lakhs.
Recompensas ELITE.
Ganhe 5X Pontos de Recompensa em Refeições, Lojas Departamentais e Gastos de Supermercados Ganhe 2 Pontos de Recompensa por Rs. 100 em todos os outros gastos Saiba mais.
Recompensas ELITE.
Pague seu cartão com pontos de recompensa. 4 pontos de recompensa = Rs. 1 1% Sobretaxa de Sobretaxa de Combustível em todas as bombas de gasolina. (Govt. Taxa de serviço extra, se aplicável). Isenção de Sobretaxa Máxima de Rs. 250 por mês por conta de crédito.
Programa de Lounge Internacional.
Adesão gratuita ao Programa Priority Pass no valor de US $ 99 6 visitas de cortesia no Airport Lounge por ano, fora da Índia (máximo de 2 visitas por trimestre), p. ex. 1 de julho de 2017 Acesso a mais de 1.000 salas VIP em todo o mundo Saiba mais.
Programa de Lounge Internacional.
Ligue para os números de atendimento ao cliente: 1860 180 1290 ou 39020202 (prefixo código STD local) para receber sua taxa de uso de Passe Prioritário de US $ 27 + impostos aplicáveis ​​em seu SBI Card ELITE para visitas ao salão associado do Priority Pass após as visitas complementares Clique aqui para saber mais sobre os Lounges dos membros do Priority Pass Os titulares dos cartões principais são elegíveis para o Priority Pass e a associação gratuita será válida por apenas 2 anos.
Programa de salão doméstico.
Desfrute de 2 visitas diárias ao Lounge do Aeroporto Doméstico de cortesia na Índia Para aproveitar a oferta, use seu SBI Card ELITE nos respectivos lounges. Saiba mais.
Programa de salão doméstico.
Esta oferta é trazida a você por Visa / MasterCard e é por período limitado apenas para lista de lounges visitar visasignature / worldcard. mastercard.
Associação Club Vistara.
Aproveite a associação gratuita ao Club Vistara Silver Ganhe 1 Voucher de Acesso ao Lounge de cortesia e 1 Vale de Upgrade Ganhe 9 Pontos de Clube Vistara por cada Rs. 100 gastos em voos Vistara Clique aqui para solicitar sua assinatura exclusiva do Club Vistara Silver Saiba mais.
Associação Club Vistara.
Para mais detalhes, visite a oferta do clubvistara que é válida apenas para os titulares das Primárias.
Associação de Privilégios Trident.
Desfrute de uma associação Trident Privilege Red Tier de cortesia Obtenha 1.000 pontos de boas-vindas exclusivos no registro Desfrute de 1.500 pontos de bônus em sua primeira estadia & amp; Rs adicionais. 1.000 créditos de hotel em estadias prolongadas, clicando aqui & amp; usando Promocode: SBITH. Clique aqui para se inscrever para a sua associação Red Privilege Red Tier Saiba mais.
Associação de Privilégios Trident.
Desfrute de 10% de desconto instantâneo em reservas através do site do hotel Aproveite 10 pontos por cada Rs.100 gasto (excluindo impostos) durante sua estadia em hotéis participantes Para obter mais detalhes, visite tridentprivilege Offer é válido apenas para portadores de cartões principais.
Marcação Forex mais baixa.
O seu SBI Card ELITE oferece a você o privilégio da mais baixa taxa de câmbio de 1,99% sobre o uso internacional. Você também tem direito a 2 Pontos de Recompensa em cada Rs.100 gasto em transações internacionais.
Serviço de Concierge Exclusivo.
Assistência exclusiva com entrega de presentes, pacotes de férias personalizados, viagens, filmes & amp; reservas de hotel Descontos exclusivos nas principais lojas de Spa e Lifestyle Saiba mais.
Serviço de Concierge Exclusivo.
Para aproveitar os serviços de concierge, ligue para 022-42320257 ou envie um e-mail para sbicardelite @ aspirelifestyles.
Taxa anual (uma vez): Rs. 4,999 Presente de boas-vindas no valor de Rs. 4,999 Taxa de renovação (por ano): Rs. 4,999.
Recursos do SBI Card ELITE.
Conheça tudo sobre o SBI Card ELITE.
Termos e Condições.
Para obter os Termos e Condições detalhados e as Instruções de uso, clique aqui.
Privilégios MasterCard / Visa.
Desfrute de 4 rodadas de green fees complementares e até 50% de desconto em jogos de golfe, juntamente com 1 aula complementar por mês em campos de golfe selecionados em toda a Índia. Para reservas ou consultas de golfe, ligue para a linha de atendimento gratuita MasterCard no. 1800-102-6263. Clique aqui para saber mais Descontos especiais em restaurantes e cafés selecionados Descontos em marcas de vestuário selecionadas Para mais detalhes sobre os privilégios da MasterCard, clique aqui e para os privilégios da Visa Signature, clique aqui Estas ofertas são oferecidas pela MasterCard / Visa e válidas até 31 Dezembro de 2017.
Vantagem sem contato.
Compras diárias agora facilitadas com o SBI Card ELITE. Basta agitar seu cartão em um leitor seguro e sua transação está concluída. É rápido, fácil e incrivelmente conveniente. Fast & amp; Conveniente: Não há necessidade de entregar o seu cartão ou procurar por dinheiro / moedas para pequenas compras diárias. Simplesmente acene seu cartão & amp; ir. É tão rápido & amp; conveniente como isso. Segurança: Durante uma transação, o cartão nunca sai da sua mão; reduzindo significativamente o risco de perda de cartão e fraude devido a falsificação (skimming). Mesmo que o cartão seja acionado várias vezes na leitora, o recurso exclusivo de segurança da Visa payWave garantirá a realização de apenas uma transação, tornando-a mais segura. Por favor Clique aqui para baixar as FAQ's. Clique aqui para baixar a lista de comerciantes habilitados para transações.
Aceitação Global.
O SBI Card ELITE é aceito em mais de 24 milhões de estabelecimentos em todo o mundo, incluindo 3,25 mil pontos de venda na Índia.
Renúncia Sobretaxa de Combustível.
Receba uma isenção de sobretaxa de 1% de combustível, em cada transação entre Rs. 500 para Rs. 4.000, em qualquer bomba de gasolina em todo o país. Compra de combustível no valor de Rs. 500 para Rs. 4.000, para aproveitar este benefício Obter uma isenção de sobretaxa máxima de Rs. 250 por ciclo de instrução, por conta de cartão de crédito.
Cobertura de responsabilidade de fraude.
Obter cobertura gratuita de responsabilidade por fraude de cartão de crédito de Rs. 1 lakh Esta cobertura é responsável a partir do período de 48 horas antes de relatar a perda até 7 dias após a notificação da perda. Por favor, ligue para a linha de ajuda do cartão SBI para relatar a perda do cartão: Disque 39 02 02 02 (prefixo do código STD local) ou 1860 180 1290.
Substituição de cartão de emergência.
Obtenha seu cartão SBI ELITE substituído em qualquer lugar no mundo 24x7 helpline para substituição de cartão de emergência, mesmo quando viajar para o exterior. Clique aqui para obter os números da linha de apoio Visa Se o cartão for perdido na Índia, ligue para o número 39 02 02 02 (prefixo código STD local) ou 1860 180 1290.
Cartões adicionais.
Com o SBI Card ELITE, você pode capacitar sua família com cartões adicionais para seus pais, cônjuge, filhos ou irmãos maiores de 18 anos.
Acesso em dinheiro em todo o mundo.
Retirar dinheiro de mais de 1 milhão de caixas eletrônicos Visa ou MasterCard em todo o mundo.
Seguro e Seguro.
Obtenha segurança aprimorada contra falsificação e clonagem com o cartão SBI Card ELITE ativado por chip e pino.
Facilidade de pagamento fácil de contas.
Pague suas contas de eletricidade, telefone, celular e outras utilidades usando a facilidade Easy Bill Pay no seu SBI Card Elite Clique aqui para saber mais.
Com o Flexipay, converta suas transações em parcelas mensais fáceis. Apenas transacione por Rs. 2.500 ou mais usando o SBI Card ELITE, e faça o login com seu nome de usuário e senha no prazo de 30 dias após a compra para convertê-lo em Flexipay Clique aqui para saber como se inscrever no Flexipay.
Transferência de Saldo na EMI.
Economize dinheiro enquanto paga suas dívidas de cartão de crédito Transfira o saldo pendente de outros bancos & rsquo; cartões de crédito para o seu SBI Card ELITE, para aproveitar uma taxa de juros mais baixa e pagar de volta em EMIs Faça logon no sbicard com seu ID de usuário e senha para aproveitar este serviço Clique aqui para saber mais sobre o Balance Transfer on EMI.
Dinheiro fácil.
Com o Easy Money, você pode obter um rascunho ou verificar seu limite de caixa e entregá-lo à sua porta. Faça o login com o seu nome de usuário e senha para poder reservar o Easy Money.
Taxa anual (uma vez): Rs. 4,999 Taxa de renovação (por ano): Rs. 4.999 a partir do segundo ano Taxa suplementar (por ano): zero.
Crédito estendido.
Período de crédito isento de juros: 20 a 50 dias, aplicável somente para compras no varejo e se o saldo pendente do mês anterior for pago integralmente Encargos financeiros: até 3,35% ao mês (40,2% ao ano), a partir da data da transação valor devido: 5% do Total Outstanding (Mín. R $ 200 + todos os impostos aplicáveis ​​+ EMI (no caso de produto baseado em EMI) + valor OVL (se houver)
Adiantamento em dinheiro.
Limite de adiantamento de dinheiro: até 80% do limite de crédito, com um máximo de Rs. 15.000 por dia Período de crédito gratuito: Nil Encargos financeiros: Até 3,35% ao mês (40,2% ao ano), a partir da data de retirada.
Taxa de adiantamento em dinheiro.
SBI ATMs ou outros caixas eletrônicos: 2,5% do valor da transação, sujeito a um mínimo de Rs. 300 ATMs internacionais: 3% do valor da transação, sujeito a um mínimo de Rs. 300
Outras cobranças
Recuperação de instrução: Rs. 100 por declaração que é mais de 2 meses de idade Pagamento Desonra taxa: 2% do valor do pagamento, sujeito a um mínimo de Rs. 450 Taxa de verificação: Rs. 100 (Pagamentos efectuados através de cheque até Rs. 2000) Recuperação de débito: Rs. 225 por boleto de cobrança Pagamento atrasado: Nulo para o montante total devido de Rs. 0 a Rs. 200 Rs. 100 para montante total devido maior que Rs. 200 e até Rs. 500 rs 400 para montante total devido maior que Rs. 500 e até Rs. 1.000 Rs. 500 para montante total devido maior que Rs. 1.000 e até Rs. 10.000 Rs. 750 para montante total devido maior que Rs. 10.000 Overlimit: 2,5% do valor excedente sujeito a um mínimo de Rs. Substituição de 500 cartões: Rs. 100 Substituição de cartão de emergência, quando no exterior: Nil Transação em moeda estrangeira: Marca de conversão em alta: 1,99% Taxa de resgate de prêmios: Rs. 99 Taxa de pagamento em dinheiro: Rs. 100
Bilhetes de trem através de contadores: Rs. 30 + 2,5% do valor da transação Bilhetes ferroviários através do irctc. co. in: 1,8% do valor da transação + taxa de serviço, conforme aplicável Gasolina e outros produtos ou serviços vendidos em bombas de gasolina: 1% de dispensa de sobretaxa de combustível para cada transação entre Rs. 500 e Rs. 4.000, excluindo os impostos aplicáveis, se aplicável, e todos os outros encargos. Isenção de sobretaxa máxima de Rs. 250 por ciclo de instrução, por contas de cartão de crédito.
1% do valor da transação (Min. 10) para a transação Montante Betweeen Rs. 500 para Rs. 4.000.
Coisas para saber.
Os cheques pagáveis ​​fora da limpeza das zonas não são aceitos. Aceitamos pagamento através de cheques ou cheques locais a pagar apenas em Deli. Todos os impostos serão cobrados conforme aplicável em todas as taxas acima, juros & amp; Cobranças.
Seu uso continuado do cartão será considerado como aceitação dessas alterações.
Para obter assistência, ligue para a linha de ajuda do cartão SBI em:
Disque 39 02 02 02 (prefixo código STD local) ou 1860 180 1290.
Todas as informações contidas neste comunicado estão corretas em junho de 2011 e estão sujeitas a alterações, a critério do SBICPSL. Os termos e condições mais importantes do cartão SBI também estão disponíveis no sbicard.
Permita-nos ajudá-lo.
SBI Cards e Payment Services Private Limited.
Unidade 401 & amp; 402, 04º andar, Aggarwal Millennium Tower,
E-1,2,3 Netaji Subhash Place, Wazirpur, Nova Deli -110034.
Caixa eletrônico / localizador de caixa.
Localize uma caixa de depósito, caixa eletrônico ou caixa de pagamento mais próximo de você.
Caixa eletrônico / localizador de caixa.
Rastrear aplicativo.
Solicitou um cartão SBI? Acompanhe o status do seu aplicativo aqui.
Rastrear aplicativo.
Simplesmente SMS.
Obtenha informações instantâneas. Envie um SMS para 5676791 do seu número de celular registrado.
Simplesmente SMS.
Cartões de crédito.
Conheça os seus pontos de recompensa.
Você está sendo redirecionado para um site de terceiros. Por favor, confirme o aviso antes de prosseguir.
Você está prestes a acessar um site, a exatidão ou integridade dos materiais ou a confiabilidade de qualquer conselho, opinião, declaração ou outra informação exibida ou distribuída através dele, não é garantida pelo SBICPSL e deve ser considerada apenas como sendo estabelecida por a terceira parte.
Você acessará este site exclusivamente para o pagamento de suas faturas e você reconhece que qualquer confiança em qualquer opinião, conselho, declaração, memorando ou informação disponível no site será por sua conta e risco.
A SBICPSL e suas afiliadas, subsidiárias, funcionários, executivos, diretores e agentes, expressamente se isentam de qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer deficiência nos serviços do provedor de serviços cujo site você está prestes a acessar. Nem a SBICPSL nem qualquer de suas afiliadas, nem seus diretores, executivos e funcionários serão responsabilizados ou terão qualquer responsabilidade de qualquer tipo por qualquer perda que você incorra no caso de qualquer deficiência nos serviços do provedor de serviços, falha ou interrupção do serviço. site do provedor de serviços, ou resultante do ato ou omissão de qualquer outra parte envolvida em disponibilizar este site ou os dados nele contidos, ou de qualquer outra causa relacionada ao seu acesso a, incapacidade de acesso ou uso do site. site ou estes materiais, de acordo com o mesmo, o SBICSPL e todas as suas partes relacionadas, descritas acima, são indenizadas de todos os processos ou assuntos relacionados a eles.

Cartão SBI.
Cartões de crédito.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Transferência de Saldo na EMI.
Transferir saldos pendentes de seus outros cartões de crédito para o cartão SBI e pagar em EMIs.
Pague Online.
Pague offline.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Conheça os seus pontos de recompensa.
Links Úteis.
Ações Rápidas.
Links Úteis.
Cartão SimplyCLICK SBI.
Casa Pessoal.
Casa corporativa.
Quem somos em casa.
Redenção de pontos de recompensa.
Q1 Como ganho pontos de recompensa? Quantos pontos ganho por transação?
A taxa de ganho dos pontos de recompensa varia de acordo com o tipo de cartão que você possui. Para saber mais sobre a estrutura de premiação, clique aqui e siga estas etapas simples.
Passo 1 Escolha o seu tipo de cartão.
Etapa 2 Clique em & ldquo; Termos e amp; condições & rdquo; à esquerda tinha lado.
Passo 3 Clique em & ldquo; Comprar e sorrir & rdquo; programa de recompensa.
Em Pontos & ldquo; Pontos Ganhos / Acumulados / Resgatados no Programa & rdquo ;, as recompensas ganhando pontos por tipo de transação foram mencionadas.
Q2 Como posso verificar o resumo dos meus pontos de recompensa?
Você pode verificar o resumo dos pontos de recompensa das seguintes formas:
Ao indicar seu extrato de cartão de crédito mais recente ou.
& bull; Enviando um SMS - REWARDS XXXX (em que XXXX representa os 4 últimos dígitos do número do seu cartão) para 5676791 do seu número de celular registrado.
& bull; Ao efetuar login no sbicard & gt; Painel de controle & gt; na parte inferior, os pontos de recompensa resumo & amp; Os pontos de recompensa expirados são exibidos.
& bull; Por login aplicativo móvel SBI Card.
Q3 Quais são as opções para resgatar meus pontos de recompensa?
Os pontos de recompensa acumulados na sua conta de cartão de crédito podem ser resgatados das seguintes formas: -
O resgate contra o vale-presente pode ser feito por meio do aplicativo móvel Sbicard ou SBI Card. Para ver o catálogo de recompensas & amp; resgate os pontos de recompensa, clique aqui.
A redenção contra o dinheiro pode ser feita escrevendo-nos como sbicard / email ou ligando-nos para a nossa linha de apoio.
Q4 Como posso resgatar meus pontos de recompensa através do site?
Passo 2 - Clique em & ldquo; Recompensas & rdquo; e, em seguida, clique em "Resgatar resgates & rdquo ;.
Etapa 3- Navegue pelo Catálogo de Recompensas e escolha o item de sua escolha.
Passo 4 - Clique em "Resgatar agora". & Rdquo; e confirme.
Q5 Como posso resgatar minhas recompensas por meio do aplicativo para dispositivos móveis?
Passo 1- Faça o login para o aplicativo móvel SBI Card.
Passo 2 - Clique em "Rewards & rdquo; Rewards & rdquo; no lado esquerdo e clique em "Resgatar resgates & rdquo;
Etapa 3 - Navegue pelo Catálogo de prêmios e & ldquo; selecione & rdquo; os itens de recompensa de sua escolha.
Etapa 4 - Clique em "Resgatar" e confirme.
Q6 Como posso resgatar dinheiro contra os pontos de recompensa?
Para resgatar dinheiro contra os pontos de recompensa, por favor escreva-nos para sbicard / email ou ligue para 1860 180 1290 ou 39 02 02 (prefixo de código STD local).
Q7. Em que horas receberei os itens resgatados contra os pontos de recompensa?
E Vouchers: Entregue entre 3 a 10 dias úteis.
Produtos do Catálogo de Recompensas: Entregue entre 15 a 30 dias.
Q8 Quais são as taxas de resgate no cartão SBI?
Por meio deste informamos que no resgate de Pontos de Recompensa Rs.99,00 mais impostos aplicáveis ​​serão cobrados em sua conta do SBI Card para o resgate de Pontos de Recompensa.
Q9. Posso adicionar os pontos de recompensa que tenho em vários cartões ou transferi-los de uma conta de cartão para outra?
Não, você não pode adicionar ou transferir seus Pontos de Recompensa de um Cartão SBI para outro. Os pontos de recompensa só podem ser resgatados no cartão SBI em que foram ganhos.
Q10 Os pontos de recompensa acumulados no meu cartão expiram?
Sim, você pode acumular seus pontos apenas por um período de 24 meses a partir da data da provisão em Shop & amp; Programa de recompensas Smile. Quaisquer pontos não resgatados até o final dos 24 meses estipulados a partir da data da provisão expirarão.
Você pode saber o não. de Pontos de Recompensa que estão expirando em um determinado mês, fazendo logon no sbicard ou no seu aplicativo para dispositivos móveis. Esta informação também é mencionada no seu extrato mensal.
Q11 Posso resgatar meus pontos de recompensa depois que meu cartão SBI for fechado?
Não, você não pode resgatar seus pontos de recompensa após o encerramento da sua conta do cartão.
Q12 Preciso me registrar novamente para aproveitar o resgate de prêmios online?
Não, você não precisa se registrar novamente. Você pode usar o nome de usuário e a senha do SBI Card Online existente para efetuar login. Conecte-se agora.
Q13 Posso ter um nome de usuário e senha separados para usar o resgate de prêmios on-line e para acessar a conta do cartão de crédito?
Não. Por motivos de segurança, você poderá manter apenas um nome de usuário e senha para acessar sua conta on-line do cartão de crédito SBI, além de usar o resgate de prêmios on-line.
Q14 Como posso ver o status de meus pedidos anteriores?
Você pode visualizar o status de suas solicitações de vales-presente ou mercadorias por meio do link Rastrear sua solicitação no resgate de prêmios on-line. Alternativamente, você pode nos escrever no sbicard / email ou ligar para a linha de ajuda do SBI Card no número 39 02 02 02 (prefixar o código STD da sua cidade) para obter assistência.
Q15 Posso alterar o endereço de faturamento exibido na minha conta?
Você pode alterar o endereço registrado, no qual seus itens de prêmio são entregues, on-line por meio do & lsquo; Meu perfil & rsquo; link em suas contas do SBI Card Online ou ligando para a linha de ajuda do SBI Card. Entretanto, observe que todas as solicitações de mudança de endereço estão sujeitas a verificação e seus itens de recompensa serão entregues somente após a confirmação do endereço.
Q16 Como posso cancelar o pedido que fiz?
Depois de ter feito o seu pedido de resgate, você pode cancelar o mesmo somente antes de 4:00 PM no mesmo dia, ligando para a linha de ajuda do cartão SBI.
Q17 Posso alterar os itens que eu selecionei se os Pontos de Recompensa que estão sendo resgatados forem os mesmos?
Desculpe, uma vez que o pedido foi feito, você não pode alterar os itens que você optou por.
Q18 Os pontos de recompensa podem ser resgatados para itens a serem entregues a outras pessoas?
Os itens resgatados no esquema de Pontos de Recompensa serão entregues somente para o endereço do proprietário principal do Cartão, conforme mencionado em nossos registros.
Q19 O que acontece se você não conseguir entregar o item?
Se não entregarmos o presente com sucesso no endereço registrado, apesar de repetidas tentativas, o seu pedido de resgate de Pontos de Recompensa será cancelado e os Pontos de Recompensa serão creditados novamente no seu Cartão de Crédito. Você receberá um SMS no seu número de celular registrado informando o retorno.
Q20 Por quanto tempo o vale-presente é válido?
O voucher será válido por pelo menos 3 meses a partir do momento em que chegar até você. A data de emissão, validade e prazo de validade serão impressos no voucher.
Q21 Onde posso encontrar a lista de pontos de venda em que o vale pode ser usado?
A lista de pontos de venda onde você pode usar um voucher é impressa no próprio voucher.
Q22 Qual é a opção de pontos + pagar?
Pontos + Pagamento é uma opção que lhe dá a liberdade de resgatar seus Pontos de Recompensa, em parte, pelo resgate usual de Pontos de Recompensa e, em parte, pelo saldo do seu Cartão de Crédito.
Q23 Há algum custo associado ao processo de resgate do ponto de recompensa?
Uma taxa de resgate de recompensas de ₹ 99+ Impostos aplicáveis ​​é debitada de sua conta do cartão SBI para cada solicitação de resgate para cobranças de entrega e processamento. Por favor, note que a taxa de resgate de recompensa + impostos aplicáveis ​​seria cobrada apenas uma vez em 24 horas, independentemente de não. de itens resgatados durante este período. Não há outros encargos associados ao resgate de prêmios.
Q24 Eu recebi produtos danificados ou errados, o que eu faço?
Para todas as disputas relacionadas a recompensas & rsquo; Para resgatar presentes ou vouchers errados ou danificados, entre em contato conosco por e-mail ou ligue para a linha SBI Card no número 39 02 02 02 (prefixo do código STD da sua cidade), dentro de 3 dias úteis após receber seu presente ou voucher.
O SBI Card tentará resolver esses problemas da melhor maneira possível, no entanto, o SBI Card não oferece garantia ou não faz nenhuma declaração sobre a qualidade, entrega ou não dos bens e serviços oferecidos pelos comerciantes. Qualquer disputa ou reclamação sobre os bens e serviços deve ser resolvida por você com o respectivo comerciante diretamente, sem qualquer referência ao cartão SBI.
Q25 Posso pagar meu cartão SBI em circulação usando meus pontos de recompensa?
Sim, você pode liquidar seu valor pendente através dos seus Pontos de Recompensa. Você pode usar seus Pontos de Recompensa apenas nos múltiplos de 2.000 para o mesmo.
Q26 Atualizei recentemente meu endereço. Posso resgatar meus pontos de recompensa?
De acordo com a política, os itens presentes são enviados apenas no endereço registrado. Se você alterou seu endereço, sugerimos que você atualize o serviço com o Cartão SBI e, em seguida, faça o resgate de prêmios.
Transferência de Saldo.
Q 1. O que é transferência de saldo (BT)?
A facilidade Transferência de Saldo (BT) no Cartão SBI permite que os portadores de cartões transfiram seus saldos de crédito pendentes de qualquer outro cartão de crédito, emitido por um banco diferente, para seu Cartão SBI a taxas de juros mais baixas.
Você pode reservar a BT de 3 maneiras simples, conforme sua conveniência:
Faça logon na sua conta on-line do cartão SBI Clique na opção & lsquo; Benefícios & rsquo; link na navegação à esquerda e selecione & lsquo; Transferência de saldo & rsquo; Digite detalhes & amp; confirme para reservar a BT instantaneamente SMS BT para 56767 Ligue para a nossa linha de ajuda do cartão SBI em 39 02 02 02 (prefixo código STD local) / 1860 180 1290 (a partir das linhas BSNL / MTNL)
Q 3. Quais são os planos disponíveis para a BT?
Atualmente existem 2 planos disponíveis para a BT:
o que for maior.
Q 4. Posso aproveitar BT no meu outro cartão SBI?
Não, você não pode reservar a BT para outro cartão SBI que você possui.
Q 5. Para que todos os cartões de crédito posso aproveitar BT para?
Você pode aproveitar a transferência de saldo para todos os cartões de crédito, emitidos por diferentes bancos na Índia.
Q 6. Qual é o valor da Transferência de Saldo que posso aproveitar com o serviço da BT?
Você pode reservar transferência de saldo para um valor mínimo de ₹ 5.000 até um máximo de 75% do seu limite de crédito disponível. O limite máximo disponível para reserva da BT será comunicado a você no momento da reserva.
Q 7. Posso pedir uma verificação do valor da BT?
Para transferência de saldo reservado para cartões de crédito VISA, o valor BT será transferido on-line através do Money Transfer. Para todos os cartões de crédito que não sejam VISA, você receberá um cheque pelo valor BT.
Q 8. Dentro de quantos dias receberei o cheque pelo valor de BT que reservei?
Se você reside em um metrô, seu cheque será entregue em 3 dias úteis. Para outros locais, a entrega pode levar 5 dias úteis.
Q 9. Eu sou um portador de cartão Add-on, posso reservar BT no meu cartão?
Não, a BT na EMI só pode ser reservada em um cartão principal.
Q 10. Posso reservar o BT na EMI no meu cartão SBI para meus amigos & rsquo; ou parentes & rsquo; cartões de crédito de outros bancos?
Não, o recurso Transferência de Saldo só pode ser utilizado para cartões que o titular do cartão possui em seu nome.
Q 11. Eu já levei a BT para o valor que eu era elegível para. Agora eu quero reservar outro BT, como posso fazer isso?
Se você aproveitou a BT para o valor máximo elegível, então você não pode reservar o serviço novamente até que você tenha pago o BT reservado em seu cartão SBI integralmente ou partes ou o seu limite de crédito existente seja estendido. Se você pagar o BT reservado em partes, você pode reservar outro BT para este valor (Por favor, consulte a Ordem de Pagamento para entender como o montante pago por você contra o seu cartão SBI pendente é liquidado). Observe que, a qualquer momento, a reserva da BT na sua conta não pode exceder 75% do seu limite de crédito disponível.
Q 12. Qual é o procedimento de cancelamento para BT?
Você pode ligar para a linha de ajuda do SBI Card nos números abaixo mencionados para cancelar sua reserva da BT:
De todos os telefones: 39 02 02 02 (prefixo código STD local) ou 1860 180 1290.
Se você cancelar o BT reservado dentro de 45 dias da reserva, todas as taxas e juros cobrados pelo SBICPSL juntamente com o valor da BT serão revertidos. Taxas e encargos não serão revertidos se o cancelamento ocorrer após 45 dias. Por favor, note que as taxas não serão revertidas depois que o cheque for enviado por você.
Q 13. O processo de cancelamento é o mesmo para todos os outros cartões bancários?
Se você reservou o BT para um cartão de crédito VISA e o valor foi transferido on-line através do Visa Money Transfer (VMT), o BT, uma vez reservado, não poderá ser cancelado. Caso a BT tenha sido reservada para um cartão de crédito diferente do VISA e o valor tenha sido transferido através de cheque - você pode ligar para a linha direta do cartão SBI para cancelar sua reserva da BT.
Transferência de Saldo na EMI.
Q 1. O que é transferência de saldo em EMI (BT on EMI)?
A Transferência de Saldo na instalação EMI (BT on EMI) no Cartão SBI permite que os portadores de cartões transfiram saldos de qualquer outro cartão de crédito para seu Cartão SBI a baixas taxas de juros e paguem em EMIs.
Q 2. Como posso aproveitar BT em serviço EMI?
Você pode reservar a BT na EMI de duas formas simples, conforme sua conveniência:
Faça o login na sua conta on-line do SBI Card Clique no link & lsquo; Benefícios & rsquo; link on left hand navigation and select ‘Balance Transfer on EMI’ Enter details & confirm to book BT on EMI instantly Call up our SBI Card helpline at 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) /1860 180 1290 (from BSNL/MTNL lines)
Q 3. What are the plans available for BT on EMI?
Currently there are two plans available for BT on EMI:
(whichever is higher)
(whichever is higher)
These are flat rates of interest and translate into 0.75% per month and 1.27% per month reducing rates respectively. For further information pls refer Term & condição.
Q 4. Can I book BT on EMI on my other SBI Card?
No, you cannot book BT on EMI on another SBI Card that you hold.
Q 5. For which cards can I avail BT on EMI?
You can avail balance transfer for all credit cards, issued by different banks in India.
Q 6. What is the amount of Balance Transfer I can avail with BT on EMI service?
BT on EMI can be booked for a minimum amount of ₹ 5,000 to a maximum of 75% of available credit limit. Your maximum limit available for BT on EMI booking will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Q 7. How will the amount of BT on EMI booked be transferred?
For BT on EMI booked for Visa credit cards, the amount will be transferred online through Visa Money Transfer. For all credit cards other than Visa, you will receive a cheque.
Q 8. I have recently changed my address; can I book BT on EMI?
Yes, you can request for Balance Transfer on EMI even if there is a change in address. However, your BT on EMI booking request will be processed only after the new address has been successfully verified. If the verification check is unsuccessful, your BT booking request will not be processed.
Q 09. Can I book BT on EMI on my Add-on card?
No. BT on EMI can only be booked on a primary card.
Q 10. Can I book BT on EMI on my SBI Card for my friends’ or relatives’ credit cards from other banks?
No, BT on EMI can only be booked on a primary card.
Q 11. Can I repay the amount due before the EMI tenure ends?
Sim. You can repay the amount before the EMI tenure ends. There is a fee of 3% on the outstanding principal + GST will be charged.
Q 12. What is the cancelation procedure for BT on EMI?
You can call the SBI Card helpline on the below mentioned numbers in order to cancel your BT on EMI booking:
From all phones: 39 02 02 02 prefix local STD code or 1860 180 1290.
If you cancel the BT on EMI booked within 45 days of booking, then all the fees and interest charged by SBICPSL along with BT on EMI amount will be reversed. Fees and charges will not be reversed if the cancellation takes place after 45 days. Please note, the charges will not be reversed once the cheque has been encashed by you.
Q 13. Is the cancellation process same for all the other bank cards?
If you have booked the BT on EMI for a VISA credit card and the amount has been transferred online through Visa Money Transfer (VMT), the BT on EMI once booked cannot be cancelled. In case the BT on EMI has been booked for a credit card other than VISA and the amount has been transferred through cheque, you can call the SBI Card helpline to cancel your BT on EMI booking.
Flexipay is a facility offered to existing SBI credit cardholders to convert their big purchases into easy monthly instalments. Any SBI Card holder, with a transaction greater than ₹ 2,500 can convert the said transaction into Flexipay within 30 days. Please note delinquent or blocked card holders would not be able to avail this service.
Q 2. How can I book Flexipay?
You can convert your transaction into Flexipay instantly in 2 simple ways:
Log on to your SBI Card online account Click on ‘Flexipay’ under the Benefits section on the left hand navigation Select the transaction(s) >₹ 2500 you want to convert into Flexipay, select the tenure and rate of interest and confirm the booking.
Call the SBI Card helpline to book Flexipay 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290.
Your request to convert your transactions into Flexipay will be processed within 5 working days. We will also send you a confirmation SMS on your registered mobile number.
Q 3. Can I convert all my card transactions into Flexipay?
You can convert transactions that meet the following criteria:
Retail purchases done using your SBI Credit Card Transactions that were done within last 30 days Transactions, whose value is greater than ₹ 2,500 Multiple retail transactions, whose value is greater than ₹ 2,500 can be converted into a single Flexipay plan Transactions settled by the merchant, from whom you have made a purchase, using your SBI Card.
You cannot convert the following to Flexipay:
Interest, fees or any other charges levied on your card.
Q 4. What is the minimum booking amount for Flexipay?
The minimum booking amount for Flexipay is ₹ 2,500. This may vary in case of specific offers.
Q 5. What is the interest rate applicable for Flexipay?
The interest rate applicable on Flexipay might vary from offer to offer and time to time. You can visit our website or call SBI Card helpline to know about the Flexipay rates .
Q 6. Are there any processing charges for booking Flexipay?
Yes, you need to pay a processing fee of 2% of the amount converted to Flexipay, subject to a minimum of ₹ 199 and a maximum of ₹ 1,000 + Applicable Taxes.
Q 7. What are the different tenures available for booking Flexipay?
Flexipay can be booked for a period of 6, 9, 12 or 24 months. 36 months tenure is also available, however it can only be availed for booking amount greater than or equal to ₹ 30,000.
Q 8. How do I know how much Flexipay amount I can book?
Flexipay can be booked for a minimum amount of ₹ 2,500. The maximum amount would be determined by your retail balance and the available credit limit at the time of booking.
Please call up SBI Card helpline for more details.
Q 9. I am an add-on cardholder. Can I book Flexipay on my card?
No, Flexipay can only be booked on a primary card.
Q 10. How and when would the Flexipay installment be billed?
Flexipay installments would be billed as a part of the monthly card statement. The first installment would reflect in the first card statement generated after you have booked Flexipay.
Q 11. Can I cancel or pre-close my Flexipay request?
You can place a request for cancellation by calling the SBI Card helpline. If the cancellation request is placed within 45 days of booking, no charges would be levied on the card account.
In the event of cancellation request being placed post 45 days of booking, a cancellation fee of 3% of the outstanding principal would be levied on the account.
If you wish to fore-close the Flexipay booking done by you before the completion of the tenure, the outstanding principal amount would be moved to retail plan and a fore-closure fee of 3% of the outstanding principal would be levied on your SBI Card.
Encash is a pre-approved, money - on - demand facility, which is offered to a select set of SBI credit cardholders. The Encash amount that a cardholder would be eligible for can be over and above the existing credit limit or within the existing credit limit on the card. The mode of disbursement of the funds is through a payable-at-par cheque.
You can request for Encash instantly in 2 simple ways:
Log on to sbicard using your SBI card Online user ID and password If you are eligible for Encash, you will see an "Encash" link under the Benefits section on the left hand navigation Click on the link and enter the amount you wish to book Encash for, select the tenure and rate of interest and confirm the booking Call the SBI Card helpline to check if you are eligible for Encash and book it 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290.
Your request for Encash will be processed within 3 working days for Metro locations and 5 working days for all other locations. We will also send you a confirmation SMS on your registered mobile number.
Q 3. What is the minimum and maximum booking amount for Encash?
The minimum booking amount for Encash is ₹ 10,000, which may vary in case of specific offers. The maximum booking amount is based on the offer on your account.
Q 4. What is the interest rate applicable for Encash?
You can log in to your SBI Card online account to check the applicable interest rate on your pre-approved Encash offer. You may also call the SBI Card helpline to get this information. Please note, the interest rates may vary with respect to time and offers.
Q 5. Are there any processing charges for booking Encash?
At the time of booking, a processing fee of 2% of the Encash amount will be charged. The processing fee can be a minimum of ₹ 499 up to a maximum of ₹ 3,000. Applicable Taxes would be charged extra on this amount.
Q 6. What are the different tenures available for booking Encash?
You can book Encash for a period of 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. The available tenures may vary with respect to time and offers. Log in to sbicard to know the tenure applicable to the offer on your account.
Q 7. How will the Encash amount be disbursed to me?
Your Encash amount will be disbursed to you through a payable-at-par cheque in your name, which would be sent to your registered address.
Q 8. How much time will it take for the instrument to get delivered?
The Encash cheque would ideally be delivered in 3 working days for metro locations and in 5 working days for non-metro locations.
Q 9. I am an Add-on cardholder; can I apply for Encash on my card?
No, Encash can only be booked on a primary card.
Q 10. How and when would the Encash installment be billed?
Encash installments would be billed as a part of the monthly card statement. The first installment would reflect in the first card statement that will be generated after your Encash booking.
Q 11. Can I cancel or pre-close my Encash request?
You can place a request for cancellation of your Encash booking by calling the SBI Card helpline. If the cancellation request is placed within 45 days of booking, no charges would be levied on your SBI Card account.
In the event of the cancellation request being placed post 45 days of booking, or if the Encash cheque or instrument has been banked, a cancellation fee of 3% of the outstanding principal would be levied on the account.
If you wish to fore-close your Encash booking before the completion of the tenure, the outstanding principal amount would be moved to a retail plan and a foreclosure fee of 3% of the outstanding principal would be levied on your SBI Card.
Dinheiro fácil.
Easy Money facility on SBI Card empowers the cardholders to avail funds for short term at low rate of interest. The funds get delivered at your doorstep in the form of a cheque.
Q 2. How can I book Easy Money?
You can book Easy Money in 2 simple ways:
Log in to your SBI Card online account Click on the ‘Benefits’ link on the left hand navigation and select ‘Easy Money’ Enter details and confirm to book Easy Money instantly Call up our SBI Card helpline at 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) / 1860 180 1290 (from BSNL/MTNL lines)
Q 3. What are the plans available for Easy Money?
Currently, there is only 1 plan available for Easy Money:
whichever is higher.
Q 4. How much money can I avail using this facility?
Easy Money can be booked for a minimum amount of ₹ 5000 to a maximum of up to 75% of your available cash limit.
Q 5. Can I ask for a cheque or NEFT transfer for the Easy Money amount?
Currently, you can only get a cheque for the amount booked using Easy Money facility.
Q 6. I have recently changed my address; can I book Easy Money?
Yes, you can request for Easy Money even if there is a change in address. However, your Easy Money booking request will be processed only after the new address has been successfully verified. If the verification check is unsuccessful, your Easy Money booking request will not be processed.
Q 7. I am an add-on cardholder; can I book Easy Money on my card?
No. Easy Money can only be booked on a primary card.
Q 8. I have already taken Easy Money for the amount that I was eligible for and now I want to book another Easy Money, how can I do it?
If you have already booked Easy Money for maximum eligible amount, you can book Easy Money only after you have paid back the amount of Easy Money booked in parts or full OR your cash limit gets extended. If you repay the Easy Money booked in parts, you can book another Easy Money for this amount (Please refer to the Order of Payment Settlement to understand how the amount paid by you against your SBI Card outstanding is settled). Do note that at any given point in time, Easy Money booking on your account cannot exceed 75% of your available Cash Limit.
Q 9. What is the cancellation procedure for Easy Money?
You can call the SBI Card helpline on the below mentioned numbers in order to cancel your Easy Money booking:
From all phones: 39 02 02 02 prefix local STD code or 1860 180 1290.
If you cancel the Easy Money booked within 45 days of booking, then all the fees and interest charged by SBICPSL along with Easy Money amount will be reversed. Fees and charges will not be reversed if the cancellation takes place after 45 days. Please note, the charges will not be reversed once the cheque has been encashed by you.
Card Protection Plan.
CPP is India’s first comprehensive card protection company, which covers the customer’s card in the event of card loss or stolen. CPP India is a subsidiary of CPP group headquartered in UK.
You can contact us by calling the following contact numbers:
6000-4000 (prefix city STD code) 1800 419 4000 (toll-free)
Q 3. What do I do if my cards are lost or stolen?
Simply call 6000-4000 (prefix Local city STD code) and inform us about the cards that are missing. We will coordinate with banks and block all your missing cards.
Q 4. Which lost or stolen cards will be blocked?
All your lost or stolen debit or credit or ATM cards of all banks or card issuers issued in India will be blocked.
Q 5. What is the registration process?
After paying the fee, CPP will dispatch a welcome kit to you with your unique membership number on the same. There will also be a registration form that you need to fill and send back to CPP. Alternatively, you can call up CPP call centre to register your cards and documents.
Q 6. Why should I get my Driving License & Passport Number registered?
In case you need your DL or Passport card number & you are not carrying them so just call us and we will provide you the required numbers.
Q 7. Why do need to register all my financial cards?
In case you lose all your cards, it will be easier for you and us to get the cards blocked ASAP.
Q 8. Does CPP cover my unregistered cards as well?
Yes, all registered and unregistered card under your name are covered under CPP membership.
Q 9. Do I have to repay the emergency travel assistance?
Yes, within 28 days.
Q 10. Do I have to pay any interest charges for advances in emergency travel assistance?
No, advances don’t attract any interest fee.
Q 11. I have lost all my cash along with my cards, and I don't have any cash with me. Can I get help?
Yes, CPP can help you in this emergency. Just call us on our 24 X 7 helpline numbers 1800-419-4000 or 6000-4000 (affix STD code) and we will facilitate an emergency cash advance of up to ₹ 20,000.
Q 12. How many cards can I register with CPP? How many cards can be blocked?
You can register all credit/debit cards with CPP that you hold. Also in event of loss, and should you want to block all of them, we will block all of them. There is no upper limit on card registration.
Q 13. In how much time will my claim be processed once I sent the documents?
Within 15 working days Insurance Company will approve/reject the claim & within 7 days we will send you the cheque (in case the claim is approved).
Q 14. What happens if I do not send the required documents within 74 days of reporting the fraud?
The claim will be cancelled.
Q 15. What is the coverage scope of CPP membership – Is it only in India?
All your features of card protection (except emergency cash) are provided whether you are in India or abroad.
Q 16. What do I do if I lose my PAN card along with my other cards?
In case your PAN card is lost along with your cards and cash, we will facilitate free replacement of your PAN Card. All you need to do is send your necessary documents to us to coordinate on your behalf. This service is provided free of cost to you.
Hospital Cash Insurance.
Q 1. What is the entry age limit under the policy?
The entry age for an insured person is from 1 to 70 years. The proposer must have completed 18 years of age.
Q 2. Can this policy be taken only if a health policy has already been taken?
There is no linkage to any medical insurance policy. The amount is paid even if the customer does not have a health insurance policy.
Q 3. Are any bills needed to claim under this policy?
No bills are needed to claim under this policy. Proof of admittance in the hospital is sufficient (Discharge summary).
Q 4. Is maternity and pre-existing diseases covered in this policy?
No, maternity and pre-existing diseases are not covered in this policy.
Accident Shield.
Q 1. What is Accident Shield policy?
Accident Shield is a worldwide covered Personal Accident policy (caused by external, violent and visible means) that is specially designed to cover death, permanent total disablement within 12 months from the date of accident.
Q 2. What is recovery benefit?
A fixed amount as monthly benefit is paid for every month up to 12 months, for accidents resulting in Permanent Total Disablement.
Q 3. Is there any renewal benefit applicable in the policy?
The sum insured is increased by 5% to a maximum of 25% for each claim free year.
Q 4. What is the renewal age limit?
The policy is renewed for life long.
Family Health Floater Policy.
Q 1. What are the benefits available in FHF?
Hospitalization Expenses, Pre-Hospitalization Expenses, Post-Hospitalization Expenses, Day Care Procedures.
Q 2. Explain Floater benefit?
The floater plan provides the advantage of the total sum insured floating between the members covered. Every member covered under this plan will be able to use the sum insured. Unlike the individual plan, the floater plan is cheaper and convenient for the whole family.
Q 3. Is there any Master Health Checkup facility available in the policy?
Yes, a reimbursement up to ₹ 1500 per insured person is provided towards the cost of Master Health Checkup after every four consecutive claim free years of policy.
Q 4. Is pre-existing disease covered under the policy?
Pre-existing diseases are covered after 48 months of continuous insurance.
Joining/Milestone Rewards.
Q1 How can I avail Joining/Renewal/Milestone Vouchers?
Kindly note that Joining/Renewal/Milestone vouchers are applicable only on the following Cards:
If you are an SBI Card Elite, SBI Signature Card or SBI Platinum Cardholder, then you can avail the applicable vouchers after the payment of the annual fee, within 28 days by calling the SBI Card Customer Helpline number: 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (Prefix local STD Code)
Payment Enquiry.
Q1 How do I make payments to my SBI Card? / How can I Pay my SBI Card bill?
You can make the payment for your SBI Card in a number of ways. The various modes of payment are:
Scroll down to find more information on each option.
Q2 How long will it take for the payment to reflect in my SBI Card account?
3 banking hours.
National Automated Clearing House.
Payment Due Date.
Payment Due Date.
SBI Mobile Banking.
Pay via Mobile App.
Over the Counter Payment.
Visa Credit Card Pay.
Electronic Bill Payment.
Electronic Drop Box.
3-5 dias úteis.
Manual Drop Box.
3-5 dias úteis.
Q3 I have made the payment to my SBI Card account but it is not reflecting in the system even after the above mentioned time. O que devo fazer?
If there has been a bank holiday during your waiting time, kindly wait for another day. You can also write us at sbicard/email or call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02(prefix local STD code) to check the details.
NEFT Payment.
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is a service that facilitates the electronic transfer of funds from any bank account to SBI Card. You can use this service to pay your SBI Card outstanding through any bank account that allows NEFT.
Q 2. Do all the bank branches in the country offer NEFT funds transfer facility?
To become a part of the NEFT funds transfer network, a bank branch has to be NEFT-enabled. Currently, about 99 banks offer NEFT facility.
Q 3. How can I know if my bank is a part of NEFT network?
You can get the list of bank branches that are a part of NEFT funds transfer network on the website of Reserve Bank of India,
You can also log on to your bank’s website to check if your bank allows NEFT.
Q 4. How can I know if I am eligible to use NEFT service to pay my SBI Card dues?
If you maintain a bank account and have an active third party transfer under net banking, you can pay your dues using NEFT facility.
Q 5. How can I pay my SBI Card outstanding using NEFT?
Step 1: Log in to the net banking facility of your bank. Add SBI Card as a beneficiary, under third party transfer. Step 2: Add the IFSC code SBIN00CARDS for making SBI Card payment. Step 3: Enter your 16-digit SBI Card number in place of account number on the banking page. Step 4: Fill Bank name as SBI CREDIT CARD - NEFT Step 5: Fill Bank Address as PAYMENT SYSTEMS GROUP, STATE BANK GITC, CBD BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI. Step 6: Click submit button to complete your registration process. You can now pay your SBI Card outstanding through your bank account every month.
Payment will reflect within 3 banking hours in your SBI Credit Card account.
Q 6. Is there any limit on the amount that could be transferred through NEFT?
There is no limit, on the amount of funds that you can transfer, using the NEFT facility.
IFSC or Indian Financial System Code is an 11 digit alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-branch participating in the NEFT system. IFSC for SBI Card is SBIN00CARDS .
Q 8. What if the customer provides a wrong IFSC?
The payment is transferred to the branch, whose IFSC has been provided. If you have used a wrong IFSC, the payment will get transferred to that branch. You will then need to contact the respective branch and settle the matter mutually.
Q 9. How long will it to take for NEFT payment to reflect in my SBI Card account?
Your payment amount will be credited to your SBI Card account within 3 banking hours.
Q 10. What are the processing or service charges levied on NEFT transactions?
The charges applicable on this service are based on the rules and regulations of your bank. There are no uniform charges that are applied for NEFT transactions.
Paynet - Pay Online.
Paynet is your one stop destination to make SBI Card payment from more than 50 + banks across India.
Q 2. How do I make payment using Paynet?
You can pay your SBI Card outstanding using Paynet by clicking here.
Alternatively, if you are logged on to your SBI Card online account and are accessing the Paynet link, you will be securely re-directed to the Paynet site where your credit card number & the outstanding details will be auto-populated to make your life simple and ease the payment process.
Q 3. Will I get a confirmation on successful transaction?
After you have made the payment, an acknowledgement message will appear on your screen, displaying the status of your transaction. In case of a successful transaction, the screen displays ‘Success’, and for a failed transaction it shows ‘Failure’.
Also, a transaction reference number appears on the acknowledgement message, which you can save and quote for the transaction related queries. Additionally, you will get an e-mail & SMS acknowledgement to the provided email ID & mobile number, while making the payment.
Q 4. What should I do, if I’ve entered the wrong Credit Card number?
It is recommended that you always check the Credit card number before authorizing the payment.
However, if you have still entered a wrong credit card number and the payment is made to that card, we recommend you to call our SBI Card helpline at the earliest.
39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code)
Q 5. How long does it take for the payment to reflect in my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect instantly on your SBI Credit Card account.
Q 6. If the bank I would like to make the payment from does not feature in the list, what should I do?
You can still make the payment through your bank account using your bank’s NEFT facility. The IFSC code of SBI Card is SBIN00CARDS . Please click here to read more about the NEFT service.
Visa Credit Card Pay.
Q 1. What is Visa Credit Card Pay service?
Visa Credit Card Pay is a mode of payment that allows you to transfer funds from any resident bank account to any SBI Visa Credit Card, within India using your bank’s Netbanking facility.
Q 2. Can I pay my MasterCard credit card bills using Visa Credit Card Payment?
No, you cannot pay your MasterCard credit card bills using Visa Credit Card Payment.
Q 3. How long does it take to credit the amount to my SBI Visa Card?
The payment will get credited to your SBI Card within 3 working days.
Q 4. How do I make payment using Visa Credit Card Pay?
You can make your SBI Visa Card outstanding payment using Visa Credit card Pay through your bank’s netbanking in 5 simple steps-
Log on to NetBanking service of your bank Enter your Customer ID and Password Go to Third Party Funds Transfer and select Visa Credit Card Pay Enter Transfer details - Sender and Recipient Information Confirm the transaction.
The payment made is sent to the beneficiary bank by VISA for further processing.
Q 5. What details do I need to know about the beneficiary Visa card I wish to make the payment for ?
You only need to know the 16 digit credit card number of the beneficiary to avail Visa Credit Card Pay.
Q 6. Are there any charges for using this facility?
The charges applicable on this service are based on the rules and regulations of your bank. There are no uniform charges that are applied for VMT transactions, universally.
Q 7. Once the transfer has been initiated, can it be modified or stopped?
No, you cannot stop the transaction, once initiated. Also, you cannot modify the beneficiary Visa card details or payment amount after the initiation of the transaction.
Q 8. Can I use a credit card to transfer funds through Visa Credit Card Pay?
You can only use bank accounts to transfer funds using Visa Credit Card Pay.
Online SBI.
If you have a State Bank of India savings or current account, you can log on to the internet banking service provided by State Bank of India at onlinesbi to pay your SBI Card outstanding.
Q 2. How do I register my SBI Card for bill payment via Online SBI?
You can register your SBI Card on Online SBI as a biller in 5 simple steps-
Step 1: Log in to onlinesbi, using your net banking user ID and password. Step 2: Click on ‘Bill Payments’ and go to the ‘Manage Biller’ section Step 3: Select the ‘Add’ option in the ‘Manage Biller’ section and click on all India billers to select ‘SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt. Lli.’ as the biller. Step 4: Register your biller details by entering your name and credit card number and click ‘Submit’.
You will receive an SMS carrying a One Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number. Step 5: Enter the OTP and approve your biller details.
You have now successfully registered your credit card on the website.
Q 3. I have registered my SBI Card on OnlineSBI. How can I make my SBI Card payment now?
Once you have registered your SBI Card as a biller on Online SBI, you can make your monthly credit card payments in 4 simple steps-
Enter payment amount and click on ‘Pay Now’. Click on submit to confirm your transaction and follow the instructions. Your payment is now done.
Step 1: Log in to onlinesbi & Click on view/pay bills section and click on ‘Without Bills’. Step 2: Select SBI Card as the biller and click on Pay Step 3: Choose the SBI account number from which the payment is to be made.
Q 4. What does ‘Without bills’ mean while making SBI Card payment on OnlineSBI?
This means that when your SBI Card statement is generated, the statement details are not automatically linked to your SBI bank account. Instead, the user needs to check his outstanding balance on sbicard and enter the amount due manually on OnlineSBI everytime while authorising the payment.
Q 5. How long does it take for the payment made via OnlineSBI to reflect in my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect instantly on your SBI Credit Card account.
SBI Mobile Banking.
Q 1. How can I pay my SBI Card dues through my mobile phone?
If you are a State Bank of India Savings or Current account holder, you can download SBI’s mobile banking application - SBI Freedom on your phone and pay your SBI Card outstanding through your SBI bank account. This service is easy to use & safe and empowers you to pay your SBI Card dues at your own convenience.
Q 2. Which operating systems are capable of downloading the State Bank of India mobile application?
The SBI Freedom mobile banking application is available for JAVA, Blackberry, Android, iPhones and Windows mobile phones. The service can also be availed via Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) on all phones with General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) connection.
Q 3. What are the details that need to be mentioned while making the SBI Card bill payment using mobile banking?
If you are using SBI Freedom to pay your SBI Card dues , you need to provide the following details:
Biller Name: SBICARD Location: National Biller ID: SBICARD Category: Card.
Sub-category: Card Type of biller, as biller, payee or both: Payee Company ID: Your 16-digit SBI Card number.
Q 4. By when will the payment made via SBI Freedom reflect in my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect instantly on your SBI Credit Card account.
Electronic Bill Payment.
Q 1. What is Electronic Bill Payment?
Electronic Bill Payment is a mode of online payment that allows you to make your SBI Card outstanding payments online, directly from your bank account through bill pay service of your bank’s netbanking, ATM or mobile.
Q 2. Which banks are covered under the Electronic Bill Payment option?
This service is currently available with the State Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank, Citibank and Bank of India.
Q 3. How can I pay through Electronic Bill Payment option?
You can pay your bills using Electronic Bill Payment option in 4 simple steps:
Step 1: Go to the online banking page of your bank, from which you wish to make the payment and login to your account, using your username and password. Step 2: Go to the add biller section and add ‘SBI Card’ as a biller. Step 3: Please fill in the details of your credit card number, for which you wish to make payment. Step 4: Check the details and click on submit to make the payment.
Q 4. How long will it take for the amount to be credited to my SBI Card account?
The payment will reflect within 3 working days in your SBI Card account.
National Automated Clearing House.
Q 1. What is National Automated Clearing House?
National Automated Clearing House or NACH is an electronic mode of funds transfer from your bank account to your SBI Card account. Now you need not issue cheques every month for paying your SBI Card dues. You can set NACH for SBI Card, by which the chosen amount will be deducted directly from your bank account every month in favour of SBI Card. The amount will be credited to your card account on the payment due date.
Q 2. How can I set up the NACH?
The mandatory fields are mentioned below for your reference:
Card No MICR Code Payment Debit type, Bank account no Bank name IFSC code or MICR code Debit amount Frequency Debit type Reference No1 (CARD NO) Period From, to or until cancelled. Signature with name (Reference 1)
You can set up NACH to pay your SBI Card outstanding in 4 simple steps-
Step 1: Click here to download the NACH form Step 2: Print the form and fill in the required details. Step 3: Choose any one of the 3 payment options provided in the form: Total amount due (TAD), as per your SBI Card statement Minimum amount due (MAD), which is the minimum amount payable to SBI Card as per your SBI Card statement A fixed amount, as entered by you, to be debited every month from your bank account to be payable to SBI Card irrespective of the total amount due or minimum amount due as per your statement Step 4: Send the completed form along with a cancelled cheque to us at the following address:
SBI Cards and Payment Services Private Limited.
P. O. Bag No.28, GPO, New Delhi – 110001.
Your NACH account will be set up and your chosen amount will be paid to SBI Card on your payment due date.
Q 3. Does the Electronic Clearing System (ECS)/National Automated Clearing House (NACH) facility will be continue on new card?
Não! The Electronic Clearing System (ECS)/National Automated Clearing House (NACH) facility on customer’s old card will be temporarily deactivated. To continue using this facility, we would request you to send a fresh NACH application form to SBI Card address.
Note: In case of card up gradation ECS/NACH service will not be continue on customer new flipped card. Customer need to send fresh mandate form for NACH activation.
SBI Auto Debit.
Q 1. What is SBI Auto Debit?
This is a service which Auto Debit facilitates automatic payment of your SBI Card outstanding from your State Bank of India/ State Bank of India associate banks/Bank of Maharashtra account on the payment due date.
After signing up for this facility, your bank account will be debited on the payment date and the amount will be credited to your SBI Card account. While setting up SBI Auto Debit, you can choose the payment amount as Total Amount Due (TAD) or Minimum Amount Due (MAD) as per your SBI Card monthly statement.
Q 2. How can I sign up for Auto Debit service?
To avail Auto Debit service, you have to download the Auto Debit activation form from sbicard, get it verified by your bank branch and then send the physical copy to us on following address:
SBI Cards & Payment Services Private Limited.
P. O. Bag No.28, GPO, New Delhi - 110001.
Q 3. How does SBI Auto-Debit work?
Under SBI Auto Debit service, on behalf of you we would present your payment transaction with your bank on your payment due date and subsequently the debit happen from your bank account.
Q 4. What are the benefits of Auto Debit facility?
Post applying for this this facility, you would no longer have to remember your monthly payment due date. All that you need to do is to make sure that there is a sufficient balance in your bank account, when the payment is due. SBI Card will debit your bank account and process the same to your SBI Credit Card automatically.
Q 5. Who all can avail the SBI Auto Debit facility?
To avail SBI Auto Debit facility, one needs to have a savings account in the State Bank of India (SBI), SBI associate banks or Bank of Maharashtra.
Q 6. Are there any charges levied on the use of Auto Debit service?
No, there are no charges on use of Auto Debit service.
Q 7. If needed, can I cancel this facility whenever I want?
Sim. In order to deactivate the Auto Debit facility, you will need to download an Auto Debit deactivation form from sbicard, complete the same and send it to us at:
SBI Cards & Payment Services Private Limited.
P. O. Bag No.28, GPO, New Delhi - 110001.
Q 8. What if my account does not have sufficient funds to cover the Auto Debit deduction?
If your bank account does not have sufficient balance, the Auto Debit will not take place and you will have to pay your SBI Card outstanding through another payment option.
Q 9. How long does it take for the payment debited through SBI Auto Debit to reflect in my SBI card account?
The payment debited from your account through SBI Auto Debit would reflect in your SBI Card account on the same day as Payment due date.
Cartão de débito.
Q 1. Can I pay my SBI Card bills using any debit card?
You can use debit cards of the following 6 banks to pay your SBI Card bills online.
Bank of Maharashtra Debit Card Bank of India ATM-cum-Debit card Canara Bank ATM-cum-Debit Card State Bank of India ATM-cum-Debit Card Citibank Debit Card Indian Overseas ATM-cum-Debit Card.
Q 2. How can I make my SBI Card outstanding payment using my Debit Card?
You can use your Debit Card to make your SBI Card outstanding payment in 3 simple steps-
Click here to pay your SBI Card outstanding Select Debit Card as the payment option and select the bank whose Debit Card you wish to use for the payment You will be re-directed to the selected bank’s site to complete the payment process.
Q 3. Will I get a confirmation on successful transaction?
Yes, once you make your payment, an acknowledgment is displayed on your screen showing the status of your transaction.
In case of a successful transaction, you will see a message of “Success” on the screen. Otherwise, you will be shown a “Failure” mensagem. You will also find your transaction reference number in the message. Please note this number and quote the same in case of any transaction related queries.
An email acknowledgement & SMS will be sent to your email ID & Mobile no , provided by you while making the payment.
Q 4. What should I do, if the credit card number I have entered is wrong?
Always cross-check all details before proceeding to the next step in the payment process. However, if you still make the payment to a wrong credit card number, we request you to call our customer care center at the earliest.
You can call the SBI Card helpline at:
39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290.
Q 5. How long does it take for the payment to be credited to my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect instantly on your SBI Credit Card account.
Q 6. What should I do, if the bank from which I wish to make the payments does not feature in the list?
You can still make the payment through your bank account using your bank’s NEFT facility. The IFSC code of SBI Card is SBIN00CARDS . Please click here to read more about the NEFT service.
Pay Via Mobile App.
Q 1. What is pay via SBI Card Mobile App?
A payment solution, giving you the power to pay you SBI Card bill on the go and get an instant online receipt.
Q 2. How do I make payment using SBI Card mobile App?
You can follow the below mentioned steps to pay your SBI card outstanding using SBI card mobile App.
Step 1: Download the SBI card mobile app from Apple iOS, Android or Windows app store (hyperlinks for each of the app stores) and using your SBI card online user ID and password. If you haven’t registered yet, click Register Now Step 2: Click on ‘Pay now’ button at the bottom of the Account Summary page. Step 3: Enter your registered Mobile No & Email ID if not updated already. Step 4 : Select the amount you wish to pay Total Outstanding Amount Minimum Amount Due Any Other Amount Step 5: Select the payment option and the bank name from the drop down menu. Confirm the details and be securely re-directed to your bank’s payment interface to authorize the payment.
Your account will get debited online and you will receive an online transaction confirmation with a Transaction Reference Number which will also be sent on your registered mobile no. and e-mail id. Payment will reflect within 2 working days in your Card account.
Q 3. Will I get a receipt on successful transaction?.
After you have made the payment, an acknowledgement message will appear on your screen, displaying the status of your transaction. In case of a successful transaction, the screen will display ‘Success’, and for a failed transaction it will show ‘Failure’. Also, a Transaction Reference Number will appear on the acknowledgement message, which you can saved and quote for the transaction related queries. Additionally, you will get and e-mail & SMS acknowledgement to the provided email ID & mobile Number, while make the payment.
Q 4. What should I do, if I’ve entered an incorrect Credit Card number ?
It is recommended that you always check the Credit card number before authorizing the payment. However, if you have still entered a wrong credit card number and the payment is made to that card, we recommend you to call our SBI Card helpline at the earliest. 1860 180 1290A 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code)
Q 5. How long does it take for the payment to reflect in my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect instantly on your SBI Credit Card account.
Q 6. If the bank I would like to make the payment from does not feature in the list, what should I do?
You can still make the payment through your bank account using your bank’s NEFT facility. The IFSC code of SBI Card is SBIN00CARDS. Please click here to read more about the NEFT service.
Cheque drop-box.
Q 1. Where can I drop my payment cheque to pay my SBI Card Outstanding?
You can drop your payment cheque to pay your SBI Card outstanding at any manual or electronic cheque drop-box locations, locate your nearest cheque drop-box.
Click here for electronic drop box list.
Click here for manual drop box list.
Q 2. Are non-CTS cheques accepted for payment?
Yes, however as per the Cheque Truncation System (CTS), guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India the banking of such cheques will happen only on Monday. Also, cheques with alterations and corrections will be returned unpaid. While writing cheques to pay your SBI Card outstanding fill in your SBI Card no. and amount correctly and do not over-write.
Q 3. What shall I write as ‘Payee Name’ while making the payment by cheque to SBI Card?
In order to make your SBI Card payment, you need to make the cheque in favour of ‘SBI Credit Card xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (your 16-digit credit card number)'.
Q 4. What should I do if the amount gets debited from my bank account but the same does not get credited in my SBI Card account?
In such a case, you need to share the bank certificate issued by your bank, confirming the transaction, and send it to us Card at the following address:
SBI Card & Payment Services Private Limited.
IP. O. Bag No.28, GPO, New Delhi - 110001.
Q 5. What should I do if the amount credited to my credit card account is not correct?
In such a case, you need to share a bank certificate issued by your bank, confirming the transaction amount, and send it to us at the following address:
SBI Card & Payment Services Private Limited.
IP. O. Bag No.28, GPO, New Delhi - 110001.
Q 6. How many days in advance should I drop my cheque with respect to the payment due date?
Please drop your cheque at least 4 days before your SBI Card Payment Due Date (PDD) to avoid any late payment charges.
Q 7. How long does it take for the payment made through cheque to reflect in my SBI Card account?
Cheques dropped in Metro locations will be processed within 4 working days, while cheques dropped in non-Metro locations will take 6 working days to get processed; and also for payment to start reflecting in your SBI Card account. Please note, that the Cheques dropped on Saturday after 12 o’clock will get into processing from the next working day onwards.
Q 8.Will I charge by any amount if I will make the payment through cheque?
Yes, a fee of Rs.100 will be charged for payments made by cheque for an amount less than or equal to Rs.2000 w. e.f. 1st April ’17. No additional fee will be charged for cheque payments greater than Rs. 2000.
Over The Counter Payment.
Q 1. What are the payment instruments I can use for Over the Counter (OTC) payment of my SBI Card dues?
You can pay through cash, SBI Cheques or transfer across any SBI branch in India.
Q 2. Is there a separate pay-in slip for making SBI Card Payment?
You can use the existing SBI pay-in slip for making the SBI Card payment. Just provide your 16 digit SBI Card number and the amount to be paid.
Q 3. I have made an OTC payment for my SBI Card outstanding. By when will the payment reflect in my SBI Card account?
Payment will reflect within 2 working days in your SBI credit card account..
Q 4. Can the SBI Card payment be accepted in all branches?
Yes, you can make the payments for your SBI Card at any branch of the State Bank of India and receive an instant acknowledgment receipt.
Q 5. Is there any charge for using this service?
For all the cash payments you make at SBI counters, you need to pay a charge of Rs. 100 along with the applicable service tax. You can only deposit a cash amount of up to Rs. 49,999 per transaction. You do not have to pay any charge for payments made through transfer or cheque, on the counter.
Q 6. If in a situation where I have a valid pay-in slip acknowledgement of the payment, but the payment has yet not been credited to my SBI Card account, what must I do?
In such a case, we request you to contact the SBI Card helpline.
39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290.
Our IVR and emergency services are available round the clock and you can contact our customer service representatives anytime from Monday to Saturday between 8 AM to 8 PM.
SBI Railways Cardholders, can call the 24-hour Railway Card customer care helpline:
39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1295 (for BSNL/MTNL lines)
Tata Cardholders can call the TATA Card helpline:
6000 8000 (prefix local STD code) 1800 180 8282 (for BSNL/MTNL lines)
Q 7. What should be done, if there is a difference in the amount mentioned in the receipt compared to the amount mentioned in the CBS payment file?
SBI Card receives the amount as mentioned in the payment file from CBS. This is the amount entered by the teller while accepting the payment. In instances where there are discrepancies in the amount mentioned in the receipt and that in the CBS file, you must raise the concern to the respective branch authorities and ask them to examine the account. Additionally, we request you to contact our SBI Card helpline and bring the case to our notice, as well.
Q 1. Can I pay my SBI Card outstanding through a non-SBI ATM card?
No, you cannot pay your SBI Card outstanding through a non-SBI ATM. You will need to have/ use an SBI Group ATM card (State Bank of India or its associate banks) to do the same.
Q 2. What are the benefits of paying my SBI Card outstanding through an SBI ATM?
The bill payment through an SBI ATM enables you to pay your credit card dues from over 20,000 State Bank of India ATMs without any extra charges. ATMs are available 24x7, which means you can make your payment, at your own convenience. With this facility, you can free yourself from the hassle of dropping and tracking cheques.
Q 3. How can I pay my SBI Card Outstanding at an SBI Group ATM?
You can walk into your nearest State Bank Group ATM and select the ‘Bill Pay’ option on the screen to pay your SBI Card outstanding from your savings or current account.
Q 4. How soon will the payment start reflecting in my SBI Card account after I have made the payment through a State Bank Group ATM?
The payment will be credited to your account within 2 working days.
Utility Bill Payment.
Q1 How can I register my Utility Bill Payment?
You may login to your SBI Card account on website at sbicard to register your Utility Bill Payments. Alternatively, write us at sbicard/email or call us at 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
Q2 Will I get any notification when my payment is due?
Yes, you will get a notification on your registered E-Mail ID regarding due Utility payments.
Lost/Stolen/Reissue/Replace Cards.
Q1 How do I block my credit card?
When a card is lost or stolen or damaged, the same should be blocked immediately and reissued. Request to block & reissue of card can be made through following channels:-
-24X7 helpline Dial 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
-SMS send BLOCK XXXX (Last 4 digit of your card number) to 5676791 from your registered mobile number.
Q2.How do I report Lost/Stolen credit card and reissue through website?
To report lost/stolen credit card and reissue through website, follow these simple steps:
Step 1 Log in to your account on sbicard.
Step 2 Click on ‘Report Lost/Stolen Card’ under the ‘Requests’ tab on the left.
Step 3 Select the card number to report the lost card.
Step 4 If you want to get the card re-issued, then click on “Reissue Card”
Q3 How do I report Lost/Stolen credit card on Mobile App?
Step 1 Login to your account on SBI Card mobile app.
Step 2 Tap on “Menu” at the top left hand and click on “Service Request “
Step 3 Tap on “Report Lost/Stolen” card.
Step 4 Select the card number which is lost or stolen. If you want to reissue it, tap on “Reissue Card”.
Q4. How do I report Lost/Stolen credit card through IVR?
Step 1 Call on the SBI Card helpline 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD Code) & select your preferred language.
Step 2 Press 2 to report lost/stolen card.
Q5 How will I know whether my card is blocked or not?
After successful submission of request through any of the above channels, you will receive a block confirmation via SMS and mail in your registered mobile number and email id.
In case you do not receive a block confirmation, please call the SBI Card helpline 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD Code) or 1860 180 1290.
Once a credit card is blocked, the same card plastic cannot be re-activated. When a card is reissued, a replacement card with a different number is sent to your registered mailing address. However, please note that blocking your card does not lead to the closure of your credit card account.
Q6 How can I place the request to reissue the new card?
You can place a request to reissue a card against lost/stolen card through.
-By calling us at our helpline.
Q7. How to make request to reissue card through Website?
Log on to sbicard > Click on the ‘Request”> Click on “Reissue/Replace Card” & gt; Select the card number > Click ‘Submit’
Q8.How to make request to reissue card through mobile app?
Log in to sbicard mobile app > Tap on the “Menu tab” at the top left hand> Tap on “Service Request “ & gt; Tap on “Reissue/Replace Card” & gt; Select the card number > Tap on “Submit”
Q9. When will I get my reissued/replaced card?
After making the request to reissue/replace card, you will get the new card in 7 working days. However, it may take some more time depending upon your location.
Q10. Will there be fees to replace /reissue a card?
A replacement fee of Rs 100 + taxes will be charged in case of reissue/replacement.
Q11 I have recently received the new card; how can I activate it?
You can login to your SBI Card account at sbicard to activate your card or write to us at sbicard/email. You may also call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) to activate your card.
Q12. Is my Account Number is different from Card Number?
Yes SBI Card Account Number is different from Card Number both cannot be same.
Card Activation/Dispatch.
Q1 How Can I check my Card Dispatch Status?
You can login to your SBI Card account at sbicard or write to us at to check the dispatch status. You can also call us on our helpline number 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to check the dispatch status.
Q2 What documents are required for validation check at the time of card delivery?
The following original documents are required for validation check at the time of Card Delivery.
Q3 How can I activate my new SBI Credit Card ?
You can login to your SBI Card account at sbicard to activate your card or write us at sbicard/Email You may also call us on our helpline number 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to activate your card.
SBI Card Online.
Q1 How do I reset my online account password?
To reset your online account password, Login to sbicard and follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on ‘Forgot User ID or Password’ below the login button Step 2: Enter your Card number, CVV, Date of Birth, and ‘Generate OTP’ Step 3: Validate the OTP sent on your the registered mobile number Step 4: Reset your password.
Q2 How can I access the new SBI Card website? Do I need a new username and password for the new website?
The process of logging in to the new SBI Card website remains unchanged. You can use your existing SBI Card online user id & password to manage your SBI Card account online.
Q3 How can I get a username and password to access my SBI Card account?
In order to access your SBI Card online account, you need to register with sbicard. Follow these simple steps to register:
If you do not have a user ID, click here to register in 4 simple steps:
Go to sbicard and click on ‘First time user’ link Enter your SBI Card no., CVV no. & amp; Date of Birth Your One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on your registered mobile no. & amp; e-mail id. This OTP is valid for 30 min. or one successful usage Enter your OTP correctly to set your user id & password and complete the registration process.
Q4. I have started the registration process and entered my card details incorrectly, 5 times in succession. Now my account is locked. O que isto significa?
This means that your account has been locked, for your own security, from making any more attempts to register on SBI Card website to create your SBI Card online user id & senha. However, you can continue to use your SBI Card for transactions. To get your SBI Card online account unlocked and complete the registration process, please call the SBI Card helpline.
Q5 I have started the registration process but have not received the OTP yet?
Please ensure that your mobile no. & amp; e-mail id is correctly registered with us. If your details are updated, you may be facing some network issue on your mobile phone connection. Please click on ‘Re-send OTP’ link on the screen to have the OTP re-sent to you.
Q6 I have received an SMS and email informing me that I have registered successfully online or I have successfully reset my credentials. However, I have not taken any action on my account. O que eu faço?
If you receive any SMS or email, informing you about any activity on your sbicard account, which you have not performed, then you must call SBI Card helpline immediately and bring it to our notice. You can call SBI Card helpline at:
39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290.
Q7. I have forgotten my user ID or password for my SBI Card online account. O que eu faço agora?
If you have forgotten your SBI Card online user ID or password, you can retrieve the same by following the process given below:
Go to sbicard and click on ‘Forgot User id/ Password’ link Enter your SBI Credit Card number, CVV number and date of birth. A One Time Password (OTP) is sent on your registered mobile number and email ID. This OTP is valid for either 30 min. or one successful usage Enter your OTP correctly to retrieve your user ID that has been registered on your account If you remember your password, continue to ‘Log in’ or ‘Reset your password’ to continue using your online account on sbicard.
Q8 I have entered my User id and/ or password incorrectly 5 times and now my account has been locked. O que eu faço agora?
Your account has been locked, for your own security, from making any more attempts to log on to your SBI Card online account. However, you can continue to use your card for transactions.
You can unlock your account instantly by clicking on ‘Unlock Account’ link (that appears on the screen when your account gets locked) and following 4 simple steps-
Click on the ‘Unlock your account’ link on the screen. Enter your SBI Credit Card number, CVV number and date of birth A One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on your registered mobile number and email ID. This OTP is valid for either 30 min. or one successful usage. Enter your OTP correctly to retrieve your user ID that has been registered on your account If you remember your password, continue to ‘Log in’ or ‘Reset your password’ to continue using your online account on sbicard.
Additionally, you can call the SBI Card helpline at 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) to get your account unlocked.
Q9. What are the features or services available on sbicard?
With sbicard, you can avail the below services:
Subscribe to e-statements and request for duplicate statements Request for an Add-on cards Block your lost or stolen cards and request for a card replacement or reissue Check status of service requests raised by you through any channel - website, call-centre, or IVR Book Balance Transfer on EMI, Encash, Easy money or convert your transaction into Flexipay Pay your SBI Card outstanding Online Redeem your Reward Points.
Account summary as on date Card statement for the last 24 months Payment History and status of payments made against your SBI Card outstanding Transaction history for the last 24 months Exclusive offers on your SBI Card account.
Analyse where you spend on your SBI Card and manage your SBI Card better with Spend Analyser View spends and transactions done on your Add-on Cards Generate or reset PIN on your primary and Add-on cards, instantly Update your contact details and address instantly and manage your address for correspondence Manage your utility bill payments with SBI Card.
Q10. How secure is sbicard?
For us, the safety of your transaction and other details is of paramount importance. We follow a strong password and online security policy to ensure the same.
- We have 256 bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to secure your SBI Card online activities.
- You can check the Security Certificate by clicking on the padlock icon that appears with the URL in the browser bar when you type the URL.
- Once you have registered for SBI Card online account, your password is not generated immediately but a One Time Password (OTP) is sent across to your registered email ID and mobile number. You can access your account the first time, using that OTP as the password and reset your password subsequently.
- When selecting the password, we prompt you to choose a password that is difficult enough to be tracked or guessed. Our password policy ensures that your password consists of,
a minimum length of 8 characters a minimum of 1 alphabet [a-z or A-Z] a minimum of 2 numbers which must be embedded i. e. the number cannot be the first or last character of the password.
Your password should not contain the username, or the username in reverse and allow but not enforce the use of Special characters [@,-,_,Space,]) and uppercase alphabets [A-Z].
- On the basis of character combination you have opted for, we also indicate how strong or weak your password is. - The system does not allow you to recreate any of the last ten passwords. - You should try using Virtual Keyboard as an additional security measure. - The SBI Card online account gets automatically locked if incorrect password is typed 3 times in succession. - The SBI Card online account gets automatically logged off after an inactive period of 7 minutes. - When you log in to your SBI Card online account, your last log in date and time is displayed in the header bar so you can check your account for any unauthorised activity. - We only display the last 4 digits of your SBI Credit Card number while communicating with you to ensure any unauthorised usage of your card.
Q 1. How can I download the SBI Card mobile application?
You can download the SBI Card mobile application on your iOS, Android and Windows devices through the Apple App Store, Google Play or the Nokia Lumia Marketplace respectively.
Q 2. What are the platforms on which the SBI Card mobile app. is available?
The SBI Card mobile app is currently available on the iOS, Android & Windows platforms. You can download the app on your phones or tablets.
Q 3. I have downloaded the SBI Card mobile application. How can I access it?
To access the SBI Card mobile app on your smart phone or tablets , login using your SBI Card Online user ID and password. You will need data access or internet connection on your device to use this application.
If you have still not created your SBI Card Online user ID and password, just download SBI Card App or visit sbicard and follow the steps given below to register.
Step 1: Click on the ‘First time user link’.
Step 2: Provide your card details, CVV number and date of birth and click on ‘Proceed’. You will now receive a one-time password (OTP) on your registered mobile number.
Step 3: Please fill in the OTP in the space provided and press ‘Proceed’ novamente.
Step 4: The system will ask you to set your user ID and assword. Fill in the details and click on ‘Confirm’.
Your username and password is generated. You can use these credentials to access the SBI Card Mobile app.
Q 4.I have forgotten my SBI Card Online user ID and password, how can I access the app now?
You can re-set your login credentials for SBI Card Online through Mobile App by clicking on the ‘Forgot My Login Details’ ligação.
You can reset your password or unlock your account by following the steps, given below:
Step 1: Log on to SBI Card Mobile App.
Step 2:Go to ‘Forgot My Login Details’ and enter your credit card number, CVV number and date of birth and click on ‘Proceed’. You will now receive a one-time password (OTP) on your registered mobile number.
Step 3: : Enter the OTP in the space provided and click on ‘Proceed’ novamente.
Step 4: You will now be redirected to change password page. Set your new password and continue to log on to the SBI Card mobile app with your new credentials.
Q 5. What are the services that I can avail while using the SBI Card mobile application?
You can view the following information related to your SBI Card through the SBI Card mobile application:
Card statement for the last 12 months.
Payment history for the last 6 months.
Reward point summary.
Offers and rewards.
Make S2S bookings.
Redeem reward points.
Access E-STORE to make travel bookings.
Q 6. Is the SBI Card mobile application safe to use?
The SBI Card mobile application is completely secure and safe to use:
No information during your browsing session is stored on your mobile phone or SIM card. So even if your phone is lost or stolen, your account is absolutely secure and cannot be compromised.
Only you can login to your account with your user ID and password. Unless you share your login credentials with someone else, no one can login and access your account.
All sensitive information is 256-bit SSL protected.
All card and account numbers or other sensitive information is masked when displayed on the SBI Card mobile App.
If you have entered your password incorrectly for three consecutive times, your username will be blocked and you will not be able to access your SBI Card online account. Please call SBI Card helpline at 39020202 or 1860 180 1290 to unlock your account.
Q 1. What is Device Binding/linking?
In Device Binding/ linking, your mobile device credentials like serial number, IMEI number are linked with the mo-bile app to make your SBI Card access secured. This limits access to Mobile App from a trusted device only and makes your app usage secure.
Q 2. Why is it mandatory to link my mobile device with SBI Card Mobile App?
To secure your transactions on Mobile App, it is mandatory to access it from a trusted mobile device. This prevents any unauthorised attempt to access your SBI Card profile from unregistered device.
Q 3. How do I link my mobile device with SBI Card App?
To link your SBI Card login account with your mobile device, login using your SBI Card Online user ID and password on SBI Card Mobile App. You will need data access or internet connection on your device to use this application.
If you have not created your SBI Card Online user ID and password, just download SBI Card App and register.
To bind/ link your login account with a trusted mobile device, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Click on the login/ signup.
Step 2: Continue with the registration process.
Step 3: On successful registration and creation of User ID/ Password, your device will be linked to user account.
Step 4: In a rare scenario, if the linking of the device is unsuccessful due to technical issues, please login to your ac-count, and follow steps for ‘Device linking – existing user’
Step 1: Click on the login/ signup.
Step 2: Switch on the toggle button for ‘I trust this device’
Step 3: Please fill in the OTP in the space provided and press ‘Link Device’ botão.
Step 4: Your device will be linked to your user account.
Q 4. How many devices can be linked with my User Account?
At any given point of time, you will be allowed to link two mobile devices with your login credentials. If you already have two devices linked to your account, please unlink/ unbind one device to bind the new device.
Q 5. Can I access multiple login accounts from SBI Card App on one mobile device?
To secure your transactions on SBI Card App, your mobile device is linked to one login credential only. In case, you wish to access another SBI Card account, please login from a different mobile device. If you want to use your other login account on the current device, please install the app again after deleting the current app and follow device linking steps mentioned in Q.3.
Q 6. I have bought a new device; how can I unlink my mobile device from my user account?
If you wish to unlink your mobile device with your user account, please follow the below steps:
Please follow steps mentioned in FAQ 3(b) to link your new device. You can manage all your linked devices from App settings section inside the menu.
Please call SBI Card helpline at 39020202 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290to unlink your account.
Q 7. If I lose my device, what is the process to unlink my lost device?
You can follow below the steps for delink your device from your login account:
Please follow steps mentioned in FAQ 3(b) to link your new device. You can manage all your linked devices from App settings section inside the menu.
Please call SBI Card helpline at 39020202 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to unlink your account.
Q 1. What is Touch ID / Fingerprint Authentication?
Touch ID/ fingerprint authentication is a biometric authentication available on select iOS and Android devices that works like a passcode when you rest your finger on biometric touch pad on your Mobile device.
Q 2. Why should I use Touch ID to login to my account?
Touch ID is convenient and secure way to access your device. Once you activate Touch ID authentication, you don’t need to remember your password to login to your account. You simply need to verify your fingerprints to login to SBI Card App.
Q 3. How should I activate or deactivate the Touch ID for my Mobile App?
To manage Touch ID authentication for your SBI Card App, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit SBI Card App menu.
Step 2: App Settings section.
Step 3: Enable/ Disable your Touch ID using the toggle button.
Q 4. If multiple fingerprints are registered on my device, can I restrict App access to only select people?
When you enable Touch ID, anyone who has a fingerprint registered to your device will be able to access the your SBI Card App. Please provide access to trusted people only.
Q 5. How can I access my account in case my fingerprint authentication is not recognized/ disabled?
You can access to your SBI Card App using login password.
Q 6. If my mobile device is lost, how can I disable my Touch ID authentication from the App?
Please call SBI Card helpline at 39020202 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to unlink your account which will disable your Touch ID authentication for your SBI Card App on the lost device.
MPIN is your 4 Digit PIN that can be used to login to your account on SBI Card Mobile App.
Q2 Can I use my Card PIN for login?
No. You need to create a separate 4 digit MPIN to login to your account on SBI Card App. For security reasons, your MPIN should be different from your Card PIN.
When you login to your SBI Card Mobile App for the first time, you will be asked to set up your 4 digit MPIN.
You can also change your MPIN by visiting ‘App Settings’ inside the Hamburger Menu ( ) and click on Manage MPIN.
Q4. I do not remember my quick login MPIN. How do I reset my MPIN?
Please follow the below steps to change/ reset your MPIN:
Login to your account on SBI Card App using Password option Visit ‘App Settings’ inside the Hamburger Menu ( ) Click on ‘Manage MPIN’ and enter the new MPIN.
In case you have forgotten your password, please click on ‘Forgot my login detail’ link to reset your password.
Update Contact Details.
Q1 How can I update my address in the Credit Card Account?
You may update your address using any of the below options:-
Website: Please click here to login to sbicard online and update your address instantly. Click here to view demo SBI Card Mobile App: You can also use our SBI Card Mobile App to update your address, click here to download our SBI Card Mobile App E-mail: You can also write an email with a copy of self-attested KYC document at sbicard/email. Click here to see the list of KYC documents Helpline: Call the SBI Card Helpline number: 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD Code) or 1860 180 1290 for any address change update.
Any change in the residence address requires a self–attested physical/scanned copy of the current address proof (Please click here for the list of KYC documents)
If proof of current residence address is not available, then please provide the below documents:- Address Change Declaration Form/letter mentioning the current address. (Declaration form is updated on the SBI Card website) Self-attested permanent address proof.
Kindly mention the 16 digit card number on mail or letter/ declaration form and send it to the email ID addressproof@sbicard or courier it at the postal address given below:
SBI Cards & Payment Services Pvt. Ltd.
SBI Card (KYC Address Change), DLF Cyber City, Tower-C, Block 2.
Building 3, DLF Infinity Towers, 12th Floor, Gurgaon-122002 (Haryana)
Q2 What are KYC documents and why should I submit the same on updating my contact details?
As per the ‘Know Your Customer’ guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), a valid proof of address is required to be submitted every time there is a change of address, within 6 months from the date the address is updated in the account. To comply with the same, you are required to submit self-attested copy of the KYC documents. Please click here to know the list of KYC documents.
Q3 How can I change my communication address?
Communication address can be either your Residential address or Official address.
In order to set any of these as communication address through website - Log on to sbicard> My profile > Address > Go to the address that you want to choose as communication address and click on “Set as communication address”. Alternatively, you can write us at sbicard/email or call us at our helpline.
Q4. How do I update or correct my name or date of birth on my credit card account?
To update or correct your name or date of birth on your credit card account, please provide self-attested copy of KYC documents. To know the list of KYC documents click here.
To submit your KYC documents online, Click here.
Alternatively, you can also call us at our helpline to get your name and date of birth changed.
Q5 How to change mobile number or email ID through website/ mobile app?
Step 1 Login to sbicard and click on'My Profile'
Step 2 Click on 'Quick Contact’ , and then click on blue colored edit icon next to the right hand.
Step 3 Generate OTP and enter the OTP received on old registered number.
Step 4 Enter the new mobile number or new email Id and click on ‘Submit’
To change mobile number/Email Id through mobile app.
Log in to SBI Card mobile app and follow these steps:
Step 1 Tap on ‘Menu’ tab on the top left hand side of the app screen.
Step 2 Go to ‘Quick Contact’ & amp; click on yellow colored edit icon next to mobile number. Enter the right mobile number/email ID.
Step 3 Generate OTP.
Step 4 Enter the OTP received on old registered number.
Step 5 Enter the new mobile number / Email ID and click on ‘Submit’
Q6 Can I set my official address as communication address?
Yes, you can also set your official address as communication address. To do so,
Log in to sbicard > My profile > Address > Official address and click on “Set as communication address”
Alternatively, you can write to us at sbicard/email or call us at our helpline.
Q7. How to Change home/office landline number?
Home/office landline number can be changed using below options:-
Website :- Click here to change/update the landline number instantly though website and follow simple steps.
Step 2 Click to “ My Profile” on the left hand.
Step 3 Click on “Address” and choose residential or office address (Where you want to update landline number)
Step 4 Update new landline number.
Step 5 Generate and enter OTP sent on registered mobile number.
Step 6 Click on “Submit”
Alternatively, you can also write to us at sbicard/email or call us at our helpline.
Q8 How can I update my International Mobile Number?
We hereby inform you that you may login to your website account at sbicard with the help of your User ID & Password to update your International Mobile Number.
Q9. How long my international number would be valid in SBI Card?
Your international mobile number would be valid for 90 days.
Credit Limit Increase.
How do I become eligible for a Credit Limit Increase (CLI)?
Cardholders can get their limit revised in the following ways:
A. Pre-approved Credit Limit Offer ( Zero document approval )
SBI Card regularly identifies select cardholders for a Pre-approved Credit Limit Increase offer basis internal risk policy.
Eligible cardholders will receive an increased Limit offer through their registered Mobile Number via SMS, on Email, Monthly Statement and in Post Login Section.
Eligible cardholders can avail this offer without any additional documentation requirement.
How can I get my Credit Limit increased for Pre-Approved offer?
To get the Credit Limit increase on your card, follow the below mentioned steps:
Login to sbicard and click on Offers or Benefits tab on left hand side.
Check for any Credit Limit Increase offer on your account & click on the ‘Submit’ botão.
SMS ‘INCR XXXX’ (last 4 digits of your card number) to 5676791 from your registered mobile number.
Call us on the helpline number at 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (prefix STD code)
B. Credit Limit Increase with Income documentation.
In case you wish to increase limit beyond the eligible Limit offered by SBI Card, please call on SBI Card helpline number at 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (prefix STD code) and check with our customer care executive regarding your eligibility for a credit limit increase basis income documents.
Soft copies of the aforementioned documents can be submitted to us at sbicard/email.
You can mail your relevant income documents to: Correspondence Department, DLF Infinity Towers, Tower C, 10-12 Floor, Block 2, Bldg 3, DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon – 122002.
Post receipt and review of Income documents, the request for Credit limit increase will be fulfilled in accordance with the internal Risk Policy.
International Limit.
Q1 How can I activate or deactivate my international credit limit?
We hereby inform you that you may login to your website SBI Card account at sbicard with the help of your User ID & Password for the activation and deactivation of international credit limit on your SBI Card Account.
Q2 What all extra charges are applicable for international transaction?
We wish to inform you that the foreign currency transaction attracts forex mark-up charges, which is 3.5% of the transaction amount plus applicable taxes.
Statement/Billing Related.
Q1 How do I view or get my SBI Card statement?
The following are the two modes of credit card statements:
Physical Statement - sent to your registered mailing address Statement on email - sent to your registered email address Online statement - You can view and download your credit card statement online, by logging into sbicard online. You can choose the 'e-statement' option to get statement on your email ID as well. If you are registered for e-statements, you can View / Print / Download your e-statements for the last 18 months or from the date of registration, whichever is recent.
Q2 How can I view my statement online?
You can view your credit card statement online, in 4 easy steps.
STEP 1: Login to sbicard using the User ID and password.
STEP 2: Click on "Dashboard" at the left hand side.
STEP 3: Click on “View Statement"
If you are registered for e-statements, you can View / Print / Download your e-statements for the last 18 months or from the date of registration, whichever is recent.
Q3 How can I download my card statement?
You can instantly download last 24 months’ statement in PDF format from our website sbicard. It is free of charge.
STEP 1: Login to sbicard using the User ID and password.
STEP 2: Click on "View Statement" at the center.
STEP 3: Select the statement date of required month from the list of archived statements.
STEP 4: Click on “Download”
Q4. How can I place a request for duplicate statement?
You can place a request for duplicate statement either on the website or SBI Card Mobile App or SMS.
Duplicate Statement Request on Website.
STEP 1: Login to sbicard using the User ID and password.
STEP 2: Click on "Requests" on the left hand side.
STEP 3: Click on "Duplicate Statement" and Click on “Request for Duplicate Statement”
STEP 4: Select the required month from the list of archived statements.
Duplicate Statement Request on SBI Card Mobile App.
STEP 1: Login to sbicard mobile app using the same User ID and password used for sbicard website.
STEP 2: Click on "Menu Tab" on the top left hand side.
STEP 3: Click on "Request" and Click on “Request for Duplicate Statement”
STEP 4: Select the required month from the list of archived statements.
Duplicate Statement Request via SMS.
Simply SMS “DSTMT XXXX MM” from your registered mobile number to 5676791, where XXXX is the last four digits of your credit card & MM is the month of the required statement.
Once the request is placed, you will receive an e-statement in your email within 24 hours and physical statement will reach you in 4 - 7 working days.
Duplicate Statement Request via Mail.
Write to us at sbicard/email to request duplicate statements.
Kindly note that original statements are issued only once for a specific billing period. Subsequently, only a duplicate copy is issued for that billing period.
Q5 I have not received my monthly credit card statement, what can I do?
In case of change in address, we request you to update it online. Click here to view demo to learn how to change address online. If there is no change in your address, please write to us at sbicard/email or Call us at helpline at 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
Statement on Email:
Also, please check if the email id provided by you is correct on our records. You can do so by logging onto sbicard ‘Your Profile' section and clicking on “Quick Contacts” on the left menu to check the email ID registered with us.
If there is a change in your email ID, we request you to update it online. If there is no change in your email ID, then please call us at our helpline.
Q6 What is a billing date/cycle and due date? Can it be changed?
Billing date/cycle is the date on which the statement is generated for your credit card every month. Payment due date is the date by which payment has to be credited to your credit card, to maintain your card account in current status and avoid levy of late payment charges. The payment due date for a particular month is communicated through the monthly statements and SMS alerts.
You can also login to sbicard or SBI Card mobile app with your user id and password and view the Billing date or the Payment Due Date.
To view your billing cycle and due date, please take the following steps:-
Login -> Dashboard - > Choose Credit card -> Last Billed Date or Payment Due Date is mentioned in the summary of the card.
In order to change billing cycle, please write to us at sbicard/email or call us at our helpline.
Q7. How much is the Duplicate Statement fee?
There will be no charge if you download a duplicate statement from sbicard. Refer Q3. to learn how to download duplicate statement from website.
If request for duplicate statement is made for more than two months period, then duplicate statement fee of Rs.100.00 plus applicable taxes per statement will be charged on your card account.
Q8 How can I register my E-Mail ID for getting E-statements?
Write us at sbicard/email or call us our helpline number 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to subscribe with e-statement facility and the monthly statements would be sent every month on your registered E-mail address.
SMS ESTEM XXXX (XXXX = Last four digits of your SBI Card) from registered mobile number)
In case of non-receipt of your e-statement within 72 hours, may we request you to check the spam and junk folder of your mail box, as it has been noticed that due to certain security filters activated by various service providers the e-statements get automatically transferred to supplementary folders.
Please note that currently, we do not have the facility of sending physical copy of statement as well as statements through e-mail simultaneously on your SBI card account.
Q9. How Can I check last 24 months transaction?
We hereby inform you that you may login to SBI Card website account at sbicard with the help of your User ID & Password and check your last 24 months transaction details.
Credit Balance Refund.
Q1 How can I place the request to refund the excess balance available in our SBI Card Account?
We hereby inform you that you may call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or write us at sbicard/email to process your request regarding Credit Balance Refund along with the below mentioned details incase amount is less than 15K:
*Beneficiary Name in bank account (Saving Account),
*SBI Saving Account number,
*Branch Name and address.
*Complete Registered Residential Address with Pin Code.
*Complete Registered Official Address, Company Name with Pin Code.
*DOB/Mother’s Maiden Name.
*Registered Mobile Number.
Please note that beneficiary name should match our records.
In case the amount is greater than 15K then we request you to provide us the written communication either through registered E-Mail ID or self - attested letter stating the reason of extra payment along with the above mentioned details.
*Copy of PAN Card is required if Credit Balance is greater than 49K.
Please note we do not process Credit Balance Refund Request for less than Rs.500 on active accounts.
Do Not Disturb.
Q1 How can I stop promotional calls/SMS or E-Mails on my register Mobile Number/ E-Mail ID?
To stop promotional calls/SMS or E-Mails on your register Mobile Number/E-Mail ID, please call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or write us at sbicard/email . The process will take 45 days to stop.
Personal Details Change.
Q1 How can I update/rectify my name on SBI Card?
We would request you to send copy of either of the below mentioned documents for correction of your name on our records.
Affidavit duly notarized.
Advertisement in the newspaper.
Please note that the same could be sent through below mentioned modes of communication.
* By fax at 0124- 2567131.
* By ordinary post addressed to SBICPSL, P. O Bag No. 28, G. P.O, New Delhi 110001.
In case you want the new Card with correct name, please share the below mentioned details.
*Complete Registered Residential Address with Pin Code.
*Complete Registered Official Address, Company Name with Pin Code.
*DOB/Mother’s Maiden Name.
*Registered Mobile Number.
Q2 How can I update my correct Date of Birth?
We would request you to send copy of either of the below mentioned documents for correction of date of birth on our records along with the below mentioned details:
Please note that the same could be sent through below mentioned modes of communication.
* By fax at 0124- 2567131.
* By ordinary post addressed to SBICPSL, P. O Bag No. 28, G. P.O, New Delhi 110001.
*Complete Registered Residential Address with Pin Code.
*Complete Registered Official Address, Company Name with Pin Code.
*DOB/Mother’s Maiden Name.
*Registered Mobile Number.
Q3 How much is the Replacement/ Reissue fee applicable on SBI Card.
We would like to inform you that a replacement fee of Rs.100.00 plus applicable taxes would be applicable towards the reissue / replacement of new card.
Simply SMS.
The Simply SMS facility lets you receive information related to your SBI Card or TATA Card in an SMS. You only need to SMS KEYWORD (specified for your query) XXXX where XXXX = Last 4 digits of your SBI or TATA Card number to the short-code 5676791 from your registered mobile number.
Q 2. What are the kinds of services I can avail through the Simply SMS?
The services that you can avail through Simply SMS are listed below, along with the keywords you need to use:
Balance enquiry: SMS BAL XXXX Available credit and cash limit: SMS AVAIL XXXX Block lost or stolen card: SMS BLOCK XXXX Reward point summary: SMS REWARD XXXX Last payment status: SMS PAYMENT XXXX Request for duplicate statement (last 6 statements): SMS DSTMT XXXX MM, where MM is the month for which you need the duplicate statement. Por exemplo. if you need statement for the month of March and last four digits of your card are 1234, you will send an SMS - DSTMT 1234 03 to 5676791Subscribe to E-statement: SMS ESTMT XXXX Request for One Time Password (OTP) for IVR or mobile transactions: SMS OTP XXXX To know the services available on Simply SMS and their respective keywords: SMS HELP.
XXXX refers to the last 4 digits of your SBI or Tata Card number.
Please note, for every SMS request that you send to 5676791, there is a premium charge applicable. This amount goes to your telephone operator and the SMS provider. SBI Card or Tata Card does not charge you anything for this service. Please check with your operator to know more about the charges levied for this service.
Q 3. Do I need GPRS to access the Simply SMS service?
No, you do not need a GPRS connection to use this service. You can avail this service from all mobile phones using the standard SMS service.
Q 4. Can I avail this service from any mobile number?
No, you cannot avail this service from any mobile number. To use this service, you must send your SMS only from the mobile number registered with us, against your SBI Card or Tata Card.
You can update your mobile number in 2 simple ways:
Through our website, sbicard or Tatacard Step 1: Logon to sbicard or Tatacard with your username and password. Step 2: Go to ‘My Profile’ section on left hand navigation bar, under welcome message. A contact tab will appear with prepopulated email ID and mobile number section. Step 3: Click on ‘Edit’ link on the tab. Step 4: Enter the new mobile number and click on ‘Generate OTP’. A One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to you on your currently registered old mobile number. Step 5: Enter the OTP and click on ‘Update’. Your mobile number will be instantly updated. Call the SBI Card or Tata Card helpline, and place a request to register or update your mobile number.
You can call SBI Card on: 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) 1860 180 1290 For Tata Card helpline support, please call on: 39 02 34 56 (prefix local STD code) 1800 180 8282 (from BSNL/MTNL lines)
Q 5. I have just received my upgraded SBI Card. Can I still fetch information about my old card?
If you have upgraded your SBI Card, all details of your old card would have been migrated to your new card. You need to SMS query-specific KEYWORD XXXX, where XXXX will be last 4 digits of your new SBI Card or Tata Card.
Q 6. How soon can my card be blocked once I send the request through Simply SMS?
We will block your card, the moment we receive your card block request through SMS. We will also send you a confirmation SMS about the same. If you do not receive a confirmation SMS from us within 5 minutes of your request, please do not consider the card to have been blocked. Please call up our helpline, and get your card blocked immediately in order to avoid any misuse.
IVR One Time Password (OTP)
Q 1. What is an IVR transaction?
Interactive Voice Response i. e. IVR transactions are transactions that you carry out over the telephone where you provide your Credit Card number on an automated system to make a payment to a vendor for purchase of goods, services etc. e. g Account recharge on TATA SKY helpline.
Q 2. Is this new mandate applicable only for IVR transactions?
No. The mandate is applicable for both IVR transactions as well as transactions done using your mobile phone through applications like Ngpay or mChek e. g. buying movie tickets via ngpay. Hence, you will need to generate this IVR One Time password (OTP) even when you are shopping through your mobile.
Q 3. How do I get an OTP for any IVR or mobile transactions on my SBI Card?
You will need to generate the IVR One Time Password (OTP) every time you want to transact through an IVR or mobile. You can generate the IVR OTP by any of the following 3 ways-
SMS ‘OTP space XXXX’ to 5676791 from your registered mobile number. XXXX = Last 4 digits of your SBI Card Log on to our website - sbicard using your user ID and password.
The IVR One Time Password (OTP) is a 6 digit numeric password that will be sent on your registered mobile number instantly. You can then use this OTP to make a payment over IVR or mobile using your SBI Card.
Q 4. How do I use an IVR One Time Password?
You would be required to enter your IVR One Time Password (OTP), in addition to your SBI Card no., CVV and expiry date, when prompted by the merchant IVR for IVR transactions and by the mobile application during transactions done through your mobile phone.
Q 5. For how long is an IVR OTP valid?
An OTP generated once is valid only for one successful transaction or 30 minutes, whichever is earlier. You will need to generate a new OTP for every new transaction.
Q 6. What happens if I input a wrong OTP?
You can make 3 attempts to successfully use any OTP generated on your SBI Card. In case of 3 unsuccessful attempts, you will have to regenerate a new OTP and restart the transaction.
Closing Of Credit Card A/C.
Q1 How can I close my Credit Card Account?
You can close your Credit Card Account by writing to us or calling the SBI Card Helpline at 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (Prefix STD code). After placing your request for account closure, you are required to cut your credit card(s) diagonally. Your request will automatically lead to the termination of the add-on cards.
Termination will be effective after payment of all amounts outstanding on the card account.
If I close my account, is there any refund amount that I get? Can SBI Cards (SBICPSL) also suspend/terminate the use of my card? What should I do if my account is restricted/ suspended / terminated? When will my account be considered closed?
Please choose your card type to know most important terms & conditions related to above question.
For Corporate Card Click here.
Interest Charges Calculation.
What is the current rate of finance charges and how is it calculated? How is interest calculated on my card? What would happen if I pay only the minimum due amount every month? How is Total Payment Due in the statement calculated?
Please choose your card type to know most important terms & conditions related to above questions.
For Corporate Card Click here.
Order of Payment Settlement.
Minimum Amount Due (which is inclusive of all applicable taxes + EMI on Loan plans + 5% of Total Outstanding) Fees & Other Charges Interest charges Balance Transfer Outstanding Retail Outstanding Cash Advance.
“Applicable Taxes” means:
&touro; for the cardholders having State of residence in the records of SBI Card on the statement date as “Haryana” - Central Tax @ 9% and State Tax @ 9%
&touro; for the cardholders having State of residence in the records of SBI Card on the statement date as other than “Haryana” - Integrated Tax @ 18%
Transaction Disputes.
Understanding Disputes.
Q1 How do I dispute a transaction?
A transaction can be disputed for various reasons, like:-
Not incurred - Unknown transaction billed to the card account Double Debit - Charged twice for a single transaction Failed / Cancelled transaction - Transaction failed or was cancelled Services not rendered / Goods not received.
A transaction dispute should be referred to SBI Cards within 70 days from the date of transaction. When a dispute is raised for a transaction, depending on the nature of the dispute, a temporary credit to the extent of the amount disputed may be given and an investigation is initiated. This temporary credit will nullify the effect of the disputed transaction on the total outstanding. This is to ensure that, you are not adversely impacted during the period of investigation.
Based on the outcome of the investigation, the temporary credit may either be made permanent resulting in no liability from your end for the transaction or reversed, wherein the amount under dispute will be debited to your account and payable by you. We will contact you with details, if the temporary credit given to the card account is reversed.
To raise a dispute investigation, please contact our Helpline or write to us at Email id chargeback@sbicard.
Q2 What is a Memo / unsettled transaction?
A Memo / unsettled transaction is the one that has not been posted yet. It does not add to your balance. Please wait for 7 days from the transaction date for the transaction to get posted to your account / automatically purged off.
Please note that some businesses, like hotels and gas stations, will place a temporary pre-authorization charge on a Memo / unsettled transaction. The pre-authorization charge is released when the Memo / unsettled transaction becomes a Posted Transaction.
Q3 What is the nature of transaction?
Transactions are of two types;
Point of sale transaction (POS) Online transaction.
A POS transaction may be authenticated by PIN, where the card is dipped inside the.
chip terminal or swiped on the EDC machine and the PIN and/or signature is required to complete the transaction.
Online transactions are authenticated by an OTP (One Time Password) or IPIN (Internet PIN) and are secure transactions. This additional security feature will be applicable on 3D secure enabled merchants only and hence, may not be applicable at certain domestic and most international merchants.
Online transactions which do not require an IPIN / OTP authentication are unsecured in nature.
Q4. What do I do if I don't recognize the merchant listed on my statement?
Some merchants may bill under a name other than their operating name or bill from a state different from where you made your purchase. If you still have questions about the transaction, please contact the merchant directly.
Q5 What should I do before I submit a credit card dispute?
A quick call to the merchant can often answer your questions and easily resolve your credit card dispute. The merchant's phone number may be located on your receipt or billing statement. If the merchant is able to resolve the matter, your account will be credited normally within 30 days. However, if this is not resolved, you may submit a dispute.
How to raise a Dispute?
Q6 What is the time frame to report a disputed transaction?
A transaction dispute should be referred to SBI Cards within 70 days from the date of transaction with the Transaction Dispute Form (TDF) and supporting Documents (as mentioned in the TDF).
The TDF is available under Forms central section on the SBI card website.
In case, the TDF and supporting Documents are not received within the timelines as mentioned in the TDF(Important Notes section) , we would be unable to raise the dispute with the acquiring bank and the liability of the transaction would lie with you.
Q7. Why am I required to fill a Transaction dispute form (TDF) to report transaction dispute?
As per Master / visa guidelines, in case of a dispute, all card holders should provide a duly filled in Transaction Dispute Form (TDF) mentioning the details of the disputed transaction which will enable / authorize the bank to investigate with the respective Merchant / Member Bank.
Q8 Do I require documentation to raise a dispute?
Sim. Certain disputes like-cancellation, paid by other means, refund promised by the merchant, merchandise returned etc., require documented proof and therefore, kindly retain documented proof validating the same. The requisite documents are mentioned in the TDF, against each type of dispute.
Q9. Will I have to pay for the disputed amount while it is under review?
When a dispute is raised for a transaction, depending on the nature of the dispute, a temporary credit to the extent of the amount disputed may be given and an investigation is initiated. This temporary credit will nullify the effect of the disputed transaction on the total outstanding. This is to ensure that you are not adversely impacted during the period of investigation.
Based on the outcome of the investigation, the temporary credit may be made permanent resulting in no liability from your end for the transaction or reversed, wherein the amount under dispute will be debited to your account and payable by you. We will contact you with details, if the temporary credit given to the card account is reversed.
Q10. Should I pursue with the merchant as well after raising a dispute with you?
We will ensure an end to end resolution is given on the dispute. Still , you may contact the merchant directly also.
Q11 Will I get an acknowledgement that my dispute/claim is taken?
A written acknowledgement will be sent confirming the dispute is taken up with the merchant. If any further documentation is required from your end to address the claim, you will be duly informed.
Q12. How long will it take to resolve a billing dispute?
Most disputes are resolved within 45-60 days from the date of receipt of TDF along with complete supporting documents, although complex cases could require additional time.
Q13 How will I come to know that the dispute is resolved?
We will send a written communication advising you about the outcome of your dispute.
Q14. When should I fill a progressive dispute form?
Subsequent to submission of the TDF, the bank intimates the merchant of the disputed transaction. The merchant then provides all the relevant documents to substantiate the respective transaction, which are sent to the customer for validation. Post inspection of all the relevant documents, if the customer is still not convinced, then the customer should fill and submit the progressive dispute form or progressive Email/Letter.
Common Dispute Scenarios.
Q15. My credit card has got debited for an unknown transaction - what should I do?
If you have received an alert for a transaction you did not make, this may potentially be a fraudulent transaction. Please contact us immediately on our helpline to block your card to avoid further misuse and to log a complaint with us to investigate the fraudulent transaction.
Q16. What should I do if my credit card got debited twice?
If your card account is debited twice for a transaction which was incurred only once, please contact us immediately on our Helpline to raise a dispute.
Q17.How can I cancel a transaction that was declined at the time of incurring but approved on my credit card?
If a transaction which was void / cancelled at the time of incurring, is approved on your card but not billed to the card account (i. e. Memo / Unsettled transaction), please contact the merchant to provide void / cancellation slip. On acquiring a valid void / cancellation slip / an acknowledgment from the merchant, please forward the same to chargeback@sbicard from your registered email id to cancel the approved transaction and release blocked credit limit.
If this transaction is not claimed by the merchant within 21 days, the same will get cancelled automatically and the blocked credit limit will be released. However, if the merchant presents a valid charge slip and claims payment for this transaction, your card will be billed with the transaction amount. In that eventuality, you can contact our Helpline to raise a dispute.
Q18 I'm expecting a refund from the merchant. How do I know the status of the same?
If the merchant has initiated a refund for a void/cancelled transaction, please forward the communication received from the merchant along with the 23 digit ARN (Acquirer Reference number) with which the refund was processed, to chargeback@sbicard for us to assist you further.
The refund amount will be automatically credited to the new card, if your existing credit card is reissued or converted to another card type.
If the refund amount is less than the original amount, kindly contact the merchant for further details regarding the same.
Balance Outstanding/Amount due/Available Credit Limit.
Q1 What is my credit card outstanding balance?
Your credit card outstanding balance is an aggregate of unpaid charges billed to your SBI Card account during a particular month. It includes:-
&touro; Charges and could be more click here for details.
The outstanding amount for a particular month along with the payment due date is communicated to through monthly statements and SMS alerts.
Q2 How can I check my Credit Card Outstanding and Available Credit Limit?
&touro; WEBSITE: Login to your SBI Card account through sbicard and check the ‘Current Outstanding’ in Account Summary section.
&touro; APP: Log into the SBI Card Mobile App and check the ‘Total Outstanding’ under the Summary Tab. Click Here to downoad.
&touro; SMS: SMS BAL where XXXX = Last 4 digits of your SBI Card or TATA Card number to 5676791 from your registered mobile number.
&touro; EMAIL: Write to us at sbicard/email.
Q3 What is Total Amount Due and how it is calculated?
Total Amount Due is the amount due for payment as on the statement date. It includes your opening balance, new purchases, fees & finance charges if any, minus your last payment or any other due credits.
Click here to know schedule of charges.
Q4. What is Minimum Amount Due and how is it calculated?
The 'Minimum Amount Due' is the minimum amount you are required to pay, on or before the payment due date, to maintain your card account in good standing. By calculating a minimum amount, the bank ensures that you are able to repay a portion of the principal outstanding every month.
The Minimum Amount Due is calculated as 5% of your balance outstanding or the sum of all installments, Interest/other bank charges, the amount utilized over the credit limit, if any and 1% of remaining balance outstanding, whichever is higher. Any unpaid Minimum Amount Due from previous statements will also be added to your current Minimum Amount Due to arrive at the Total Minimum Amount Due.
The minimum amount due for a particular month is communicated to you through monthly statements and SMS alerts.
Q5 What happens if I do not pay any amount due before the due date?
Not making the payment to your card account on or before the due date leads to:-
&touro; Levy of additional late payment fees, interest and other charges.
&touro; A possible suspension of your card.
&touro; Negative effects on your future financial credentials and a negative score at CIBIL.
Q6 What happens if I pay only the Minimum Amount Due?
Paying only the Minimum Amount Due every month would result in the repayment stretching over years with consequent interest payment on your outstanding balance. To view the interest, fees & charges, visit the “Most Important Terms & Conditions” according to your card type-
Q7. How can I find out the Total Amount Due, Minimum Amount Due and Payment Due Date?
&touro; Website: Login to your SBI Card account and check the details in the ‘My Card’ seção.
&touro; Mobile App: Login to the SBI Card Mobile App and check the details in the ‘Last Billed Summary’ seção.
Q8 What are Total credit limit & Available credit limits?
Total Credit Limit: It is the maximum credit limit you can avail on you credit card.
Available Credit Limit : It is the credit amount available for purchases as on date.
SMS AVAIL XXXX (XXXX = Last four digits of your SBI Card) from registered mobile number)
Q9. How can I get my credit limit increased?
A. Pre-approved Credit Limit Offer ( Zero document approval )
&touro; SBI Card regularly identifies select cardholders for a ‘Pre-Approved Credit Limit Increase’ offer, basis internal policy.
&touro; Eligible cardholders will receive an increased limit offer on their registered mobile number via SMS, or via Email, Monthly Statement and in the Post Login Section.
&touro; Eligible cardholders can avail this offer without any additional documentation requirement.
B. Credit Limit Increase with Income documentation.
&touro; In case you wish to increase your limit beyond the eligible limit offered by SBI Card.
&touro; Email: Please write to us at sbicard/email and get a revert from us within 2 working days.
&touro; Call us: Call us on SBI Card helpline number at 39 02 02 02 (prefix STD code) or 1860 180 1290 and check with our customer care executive regarding your eligibility for a credit limit increase, basis income documents.
&touro; The following income documents are accepted.
•Last 2 months salary slip.
&touro; Soft copies of the aforementioned documents can be submitted to us at sbicard/email.
&touro; Post receipt and review of the income documents, the request for credit limit increase will be fulfilled in accordance with the internal Risk Policy.
Q10. How do I check if I am eligible for Pre-approved Credit increase offer?
Though all eligible customers are informed via SMS, alternatively you can also check your eligibility for Pre approved credit increase offer.
&touro; Login to sbicard and click on ‘Offers’ or ‘Benefits’ tab on left hand side. Check for any credit limit increase offer on your account & click on the ‘Submit’ botão.
&touro; In case you are eligible, then send SMS ‘INCR XXXX’ (last 4 digits of your card number) to 5676791 from your registered mobile number, or write to us at sbicard/email.
&touro; Alternatively, call us on the helpline number at 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
&touro; Cash Limit is the amount included in the credit limit assigned to your card account that can be withdrawn as cash.
&touro; Cash withdrawal from your credit card is subject to applicability of interest charges and cash withdrawal fee.
Authentication Declined/Card Not Identified.
Q 1) In what cases my card may not be accepted at POS machines?
A card may not be accepted at a POS machines due to following reasons:-
&touro; If the card is used beyond its expiry date.
&touro; If the card is used on other payment network.
&touro; PIN is wrongly entered.
&touro; Card is blocked.
&touro; Card is damaged.
Q 2) What should I do if authentication is declined at point of sale terminals?
First check the expiry date & recollect the password before using the card. You may also call us at our helpline for assistance.
Offers on Cards (Marketing Offers)
Q1 What are the features of my card?
The features of a card depend on card type, click here to know about them as well as to apply for cards.
Q2 What are the offers & deals available on my cards?
Offers are launched time to time with a limited period validity. Some offers are restricted to specific card types, vendors & location as well.
Click here to know all offers on SBI Card.
Transaction Status.
Q1 How can I know the transactions on my SBI Card?
&touro; Website: Login to sbicard and click on ‘My Accounts’ tab on left hand side.
&touro; Unbilled Transactions: These are the transactions since your last statement was generated.
&touro; Transaction History: These are all transactions made on your account in the last 24 months.
&touro; Mobile Application: Login to the SBI Card Mobile App and click on the “Your Account.’ Section to view Unbilled Transactions and Transaction History.
&touro; Helpline: Call us on our helpline number 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or 1860 180 1290 to check the details.
SBI Card Samsung Pay.
Samsung Pay is a secure and easy-to-use mobile payment service which can be used to make purchases nearly everywhere. Samsung Pay allows you to pay with your SBI credit cards using your compatible Samsung phone.
Compatible devices for using Samsung Pay are:
Galaxy S8+, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S7 edge, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S6 edge+, Note 5, Galaxy A7 (2017), Galaxy A5 (2017), A5 (2016), A7 (2016), Galaxy A9 Pro and Galaxy J7 Pro.
Q2 Why should I use Samsung Pay?
Samsung Pay offers a simple, secure and convenient payment experience that makes checkout fast and easy by allowing you to make purchases with a single touch using your SBI credit card and the eligible device.
Q3 Which all SBI credit cards are eligible for Samsung Pay?
All SBI credit cards except for Corporate and add-on cards.
Q4. Can I enroll the same SBI card on more than one device using Samsung Pay?
Yes, it can be done. Please note each time you add your card on a new device, complete registration process will be followed.
Q5 How to register my SBI card on Samsung Pay?
Open your Samsung Pay app on your phone Select “Add Card” Scan your SBI credit card using Samsung Pay. Alternatively, you can enter your card details manually. Read, understand and accept the Terms and Conditions. You will receive a Onetime password (OTP) via SMS on your registered mobile number, which you will need to enter to authenticate yourself. Once verification is completed and approved, your SBI credit card will be available for payment via the phone.
Q6 How to pay using Samsung Pay.
Open your Samsung Pay by either swiping-up from the home button of the compatible Samsung device or opening the Samsung Pay app from the home screen. Select the SBI credit card you want to pay with Verify your fingerprint to authorize the transaction. Alternatively, you can enter your 4-digit Samsung Pay PIN Place the device next to the mag stripe slot on the terminal and authenticate via SBI credit card PIN once prompted by the terminal.
Q7. What should I do if my device gets lost?
In case of device lost scenario, please call up our call center to block all the cards activated on Samsung Pay on that device. Dial 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code), 1860 180 1290.
or 1800 180 1290 (toll free).
Online Application.
Q 1. What is the process of applying for an SBI Card?
The fastest way to apply for an SBI Card is through our website sbicard. Click here to view the benefits and privileges offered by different SBI Cards.
You can also call SBI Card helpline at 39 02 02 02 (please prefix the STD Code of your city) or visit the nearest SBI branch to apply for an SBI Card.
Q 2. How can I find out which SBI Card I am eligible for?
Visit the ‘Simplyfier ’ section on sbicard to find out which SBI Card will be best suited for you. The recommendation is based on your needs and spending patterns.
Q 3. I had applied for an SBI Card 3 months back and now when I try to apply again, I am not able to do so.
In the normal course, you should be able to apply after 3 months of your previous application. There are some exceptional circumstances in which you may not be able to re-apply for longer. If you are unable to apply after 3 months, please send us an email at sbicard/email.
Q 4. I could not find my town or city name in the city dropdown menu in the online form. How can I apply?
SBI Card serves 23 locations across India through its online application service. If you do not see your city in the dropdown, please call SBI Card helpline at 39 02 02 02 (please prefix the STD code of your city) or visit your nearest SBI branch.
Q 5. I had started filling my SBI card online application form but could not complete it and hence I had saved it. How do I retrieve the form?
Enter your Date of Birth and PAN in the ‘Retrieve your application’ form on sbicard homepage to retrieve your saved application and complete it. Click here to retrieve your application now.
Q 6. I had started filling the form for SBI Platinum Card and had saved it. I now want to apply for SBI Signature Card instead. O que eu faço?
Please retrieve the saved form by entering your Date of Birth and PAN in the ‘Retrieve your application’ form on sbicard homepage and complete the same. Once you have submitted the completely filled application, our executives will contact you for document collection and other formalities. You can then inform them that you wish to get another SBI Card than what you have applied for. Depending upon the card you want, our executives will help you with the subsequent processes.
Q 7. I do not have any other credit card. Can I still apply for an SBI Card?
Yes, you can apply for an SBI Card even if you do not own any other credit card. Depending on the information provided by you in the application form and your data with the credit bureau, we may ask you to provide details about your other banking (credit) relationships.
Q 8. I had applied for a card a few days ago and have not heard from SBI Card since. How do I find out what has happened to my application?
Please click here to track the status of your application. If you have any concerns regarding your application, you can mail us the same at sbicard/email or call us at 39 02 02 02 (please prefix the STD code of your city).
Q 9. I already have an SBI Card, but want to get another SBI card. How do I apply for an additional SBI card or change my current SBI Card?
If you wish to upgrade your current SBI Card, you can log on your SBI Card Online account. If you are eligible for an Upgrade offer, you will see a ‘Card upgrade’ link in the left side of the page. Alternatively, you can also call the SBI Card helpline to check if you are eligible for a pre-approved offer for Card upgrade.
If you wish to apply for an additional SBI Card, you can select ‘Yes’ for the ‘Do you have an SBI Card’ question on the online application form for the SBI Card you wish to apply for and fill in the required details. On submission of the form, our executives will connect with you to take your application forward.
Q 10. I applied for an SBI Card online and have been told my credit limit. Do I need to do anything else, or will the card be sent to me?
If your application has been approved online, our executives will contact you within 2 working days to inform you about the documents you need to submit. They will also set an appointment with you to collect the necessary documents from you. Once you have submitted your documents, it will take us up to 21 days to process your application. Final approval of your credit card depends on the documents, you provide to us.
Card Dispatch Status.
Q1 How Can I check my Card Dispatch Status?
We hereby inform you that you may call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code or write us at sbicard\email to know your card dispatch status. You may also login to our website account at sbicard to check the details.
Q2 What documents are required for validation check for card delivery?
We hereby inform you that below mentioned original documents are required for validation check at the time of Card Delivery.
Account Upgrade.
Q1 How Can I upgrade my current Card?
We hereby inform you that you may call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code or write us at sbicard/email to process your request regarding Card Up gradation. You may also login to your SBI Card account at sbicard to place your request for Card Up gradation incase offer is there on your SBI Card Account. Also, find the below mentioned details for Card Upgrade/Downgrade.
Annual Fee is payable on the annual card fee date of the current card which will be communicated to you through your monthly statement. GST will be charged over and above the annual fee basis the prevailing GST rate. A cardholder will be eligible for welcome gift only post payment / realization of annual fee by SBI Card. The credit limit enhancement on the new card will be at the sole discretion of SBI Card. The Reward Points accumulated on the previous card will automatically be transferred onto the new card post upgrade. The upgrade would be offered to eligible customer's basis the internal evaluation/parameters of customer performance and credit history on the card. Old card plastic will be active for a period of 90 days from the date of upgrade to new card. Post the downgrade of the upgraded card, customer is not eligible to upgrade the card for a period of 6 months from the date of downgrade. Downgrade may be initiated by a customer only within a period of 90 days post upgrading the existing SBI Card. All new Credit Cards issued are "Domestic" usage cards. These cards can be used for purchases at merchant outlets in India or online transactions on Indian websites or at ATMs in India only. In case you wish to avail credit card with International usage, your due consent is required.
Q2.What all Card types are available in SBI Card and what are the charges applicable?
Visit to our website at sbicard to check the details of different Card Types available in SBI Card portfolio and for charges information.
Reactivation of Account.
Q1 How can I re-activate my SBI Card?
We would request you to call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) or write us at sbicard/email, It would enable us to consider your request regarding reactivation of your SBI card account. After completion of the necessary formalities and adherence all applicable policies, we would be able to reactivate your SBI card account.
Add-on Card.
Q1 How can I apply for Add-on Card?
We hereby inform you that you may login to our website account at sbicard with the help of your User ID & Password to apply Add-on Card on your SBI Card Account.
You may also download the Add-on Card form given under form central option on our website: sbicard & complete the enclosed form in all respects and send the original form at the below mentioned address to process the request for Add-on Card.
SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt. Ltd,
P. O Box No-16, G. P.O.
You may also call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code) for more details about Add-on card.
Q2 I have applied for Add-on Card, what would be the credit limit?
Credit Limit of Primary Card is common for both Primary & Add-On Cards. Hence, Add-on Card can be used up to the total credit limit given on card account. You may also set the Credit limit of Add-on Card post login in your website account with the help of your User ID and Password or call us on our helpline number 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 (prefix local STD code)
Q3 How Can I register my Add-on Card on website?
Registration of Add-on Card through website is not possible though transaction details of Add-on Card can be checked after login to website account with the help of Primary Cardholder’s User ID & Senha.
CIBIL Related Issues.
Q1 Why my name reflects in CIBIL?
We would like to share that in terms of the credit card agreement, we are authorized to disclose information related to your credit card account to a credit bureau (CIBIL). Also, CIBIL is not authorized to provide any information on individual accounts to the public other than authorized credit institutions, unless authorized by the contributing credit institution in writing.
We are also advised that in terms of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 every credit institution (SBI Card) which is a member of the credit information company (CIBIL) is required to provide credit information (positive as well as negative) as requested by the credit information company on periodic basis, within such period as may be specified by the credit information company.
Also with reference to the above-mentioned facts, the current status of the card account have been be updated in the CIBIL database.
Please note your card account stands inactive for usage with no outstanding balance payable to us. Trust we have resolved your issue.
e assure you the best services at all time.
Please feel free to contact us should you require any further assistance or clarification.
Q2 How can I remove Settled Flag from CIBIL?
Basis cardholder’s interest, we can offer to remit the amount reversed at the time of settlement to proceed with CIBIL Cleanup vide cheque or DD payable to SBI Cards Payments and Services Private Limited.
Card Usage.
Q1 How do I generate/change transaction PIN for credit card?
You can generate transaction PIN for your credit card by using either our Website, Mobile Application or IVR.
To generate transaction PIN through Website:
Login to your online account and click on ‘My Account’ tab present on the left hand side menu and follow these steps:-
Click ‘Manage Pin’ Select the card for which pin needs to be changed Click on ‘Generate OTP’ Enter the OTP Enter the New PIN twice, and click submit.
To generate transaction PIN through Mobile App:
Login to your account and click on ‘Service Requests’ option present on the left hand side menu and follow these steps:-
Step1 : Click ‘Manage Pin’. Step2 : Select the card for which pin needs to be changed. Step3 : Click on ‘Generate OTP’. Step4 : Enter the OTP. Step5 : Enter the New PIN twice, and click submit.
To generate transaction PIN through IVR:
Call on SBI Card Customer Helpline number: 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (Prefix local STD Code)
Step 1. Choose option ‘6’ to generate PIN Step 2. Enter the 16 digit SBI card number, DOB in DD MM YYYY & Card expiry date in MM YY format Step 3. Enter the 6 digit OTP received on your registered mobile number or email address Step 4 . Choose a 4 digit PIN number and re-confirm Step 5. You will get a confirmation message on the IVR itself.
To generate transaction PIN of your Add-on Card through IVR:
Step 1. Enter the 16 digit SBI Add-on Card number and DOB in DD MM YYYY of the Primary Card holder and the Add-on Card expiry date in MM YY format Step 2. Choose option 6 to Generate PIN Step 3. Enter the 6 digit OTP received on your registered mobile number or email address of the Primary Cardholder Step 4 . Choose a 4 digit PIN number and re-confirm Step 5. You will get a confirmation message on the IVR itself.
Taxas e Encargos.
Q1 What are the Fees applicable on my credit card?
Please click here to know T&C and charges.
Card Blocking & Unblocking.
If you have any queries that are not answered here or you want to know the reason why your card is blocked, please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
1) Over utilization on your SBI Credit Card.
In case you have exhausted the credit limit assigned on your card, your card may be blocked for further usage.
How to unblock your card.
To unblock your card kindly make an immediate payment on your SBI Credit Card to bring your balance below your assigned credit limit.
To know your available limit, SMS AVAIL XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To know your total outstanding, SMS BAL XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To make payment, please CLICK HERE.
For more information please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
2) Irregular payments : First payment default.
In case you have missed making payment of at least minimum amount due as of latest statement on your SBI Credit Card, your card may be blocked for further usage.
Kindly make an immediate payment of total outstanding balance/Total amount due (TAD) /Minimum amount due (MAD) as of latest statement on your SBI Credit Card account to get your card unblocked.
To know your TAD/MAD, SMS BAL XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To know the status of your last payment, SMS PAYMENT XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To make payment, please CLICK HERE.
Impact on bureau score : Please note that delayed payments and non-payments may negatively affect your credit history. As a result your credit score may go down and may reduce your future chances to get credit. We request you to make regular payments to maintain good credit history and enjoy uninterrupted services on your SBI Card.
For more information please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
3) Irregular payments : Up-to 3 consecutive payments default.
In case you are not regular in making payments of your monthly dues despite repeated reminders, credit facility on your card may be temporarily withdrawn.
How to unblock your card.
Kindly make an immediate payment of total outstanding balance/Total amount due (TAD) /Minimum amount due (MAD) as of latest statement on your SBI Credit Card account to get your card unblocked.
To know your TAD/MAD, SMS BAL XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To know the status of your last payment, SMS PAYMENT XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To make payment, please CLICK HERE.
Impact on bureau score : Please note that delayed payments and non-payments may negatively affect your credit history. As a result your credit score may go down and may reduce your future chances to get credit. We request you to make regular payments to maintain good credit history and enjoy uninterrupted services on your SBI Card.
For more information please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
4) Irregular payments : 4-6 consecutive payments default.
In case you are not regular in making payments of your monthly dues despite repeated reminders, credit facility on your card may be permanently withdrawn.
How to unblock your card.
Kindly make an immediate payment of total outstanding due on your SBI Credit Card account. Post making the payment please call our helpline to register your request for account re-activation. Your case will be reviewed by us and we may consider your case for re-activation depending on your past credit performance.
To know your total outstanding SMS BAL XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791.
To make payment please CLICK HERE.
Impact on bureau score : Please note that delayed payments and non-payments may negatively affect your credit history. As a result your credit score may go down and may reduce your future chances to get credit. We request you to make regular payments to maintain good credit history and enjoy uninterrupted services on your SBI Card.
For more information, please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
5) Written-off accounts : More than 6 consecutive payments default.
In case your SBI Card account has been written-off, credit facility on your card will be permanently withdrawn and cannot be re-activated. However you can apply afresh for our Unnati Card, in case you fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
You should pay the complete outstanding balance on your SBI Card You should be an account holder of State Bank of India You should have a term deposit account with the bank, which will be kept under SBI Card’s lien during the tenure of credit card.
Please visit SBI Card website or nearest State Bank of India branch for further details in this regard.
To know more about Unnati Card, please CLICK HERE.
CIBIL status clean up if account is written-off:
In case your account is written-off and you pay complete outstanding as per the agreement, we will process your request for CIBIL status clean-up which may increase your future chances to get credit. Please note that the process may take 45-60 days post realization of funds.
CIBIL status clean up if account is settled:
In case your account is settled, please call us to know the process and the amount payable for CIBIL status clean up. Once you pay the amount, we will process your request for CIBIL status clean-up which may increase your future chances to get credit. Please note that the process may take 45-60 days post realization of funds.
SBI Card is committed to protect you from any suspicious or fraudulent transaction. If we observe any suspicious activity on your card, we may proactively block your card to protect you from further misuse of your card.
In case you have received any transaction alert for the transaction not done by you, immediately block your card. To block your card SMS BLOCK XXXX (XXXX=last 4 digit of your SBI Credit Card) and send it to 5676791 or call our helpline 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
How to unblock your card.
Please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
7) Non-receipt of KYC documents.
As per RBI regulation you are required to submit your PAN & KYC details on periodic basis when you are requested to do so, to ensure uninterrupted services on your card account. In case you fail to do so, your card may be blocked for further usage. Also, note that your reward redemption facility may also be suspended due to non-receipt of KYC documents.
How to unblock your card.
To activate your card, you are required to submit the following documents:
KYC Renewal form PAN Self-attested photo ID proof : Passport/Voter’s card/Driving License/PAN/ UID/Adhaar Card Self-attested address proof: Passport/Voter’s card/Driving License/ UID/Adhaar Card/Letter issued by UID of India containing details of Name, address & Adhaar no (E-Adhaar)/Overseas citizen of India card (OCI) issued by government along with the passport to NRIs and PIOs (In case of OCI only)
You may send the documents to SBI Card (KYC Renewal) : Tower C, Block2,Building 3, DLF Infinity Towers,11th Floor DLF Cyber City Gurgaon -122002. Or Email us at validate. kyc@sbicard.
You may also upload the documents by Login -> My Account -> Submit KYC Documents.
For more information, please call us at 18601801290/39020202 (prefix local STD code).
8) Permanent closure of account.
On receiving your request to close SBI Credit Card account, credit facility on your card will be permanently withdrawn and your card will be blocked for further usage.
How to unblock your card.
Your card can be re-activated in case you log a request with us within 3 months of blocking your card, post which you need to apply afresh.
Complimentary Club Vistara Membership.
Q1) Who can apply for Club Vistara (CV) Membership?
Only Primary card holders of SBI Card ELITE and SBI Card PRIME are eligible for CV Membership.
Q2) Which CV Membership am I eligible for?
You are eligible for CV Silver Membership.
Q3) When can I apply? Can I apply for the Membership multiple times?
You can apply for CV membership within one year from the date of issuance of your SBI Card. You can avail the Membership only once through SBI Card.
Q4) How can I enroll for CV Membership?
You can request for CV Membership by logging on to sbicard (click on ELITE / PRIME Privileges in the left hand navigation in the post login section) or Customer Helpline Numbers: 39020202 (Prefix Local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
Q5) After enrollment, when will I receive my CV Membership ID?
You will receive a confirmation e-mail from Vistara within 10 days from the date of request of Membership with your Membership ID.
Q6) What will happen to my existing membership if I am an existing CV Base Member?
You will be tagged as a SBI Cardholder and will be upgraded to the CV Silver with the same CV ID. CV Silver benefits will be as applicable.
Q7) What will happen to my existing membership if I am an existing CV Silver Member?
You will be tagged as a SBI Cardholder and your Silver Tier status will be extended for 1 upgrade cycle (12 months) from the date of request with the same CV ID. You will get another set of One Class Upgrade Voucher and Lounge Access voucher. Other CV Silver benefits will be as applicable.
Q8)What will happen to my existing membership if I am an existing CV Gold/Platinum Member?
No change will be made in your existing Membership Status with CV.
Q9) Is there an enrolment fee?
No, there is no enrolment fee.
Q10) What is the form of Membership?
It’s an E-Membership.
Q11) What is the duration of Silver Tier Status?
CV Silver is valid for one Upgrade Cycle (Upgrade cycle is the period from one day after the date on which a member has achieved an Elite Tier and continues for 12 months).
Q12) When do I receive my complimentary Lounge Access and One Class Upgrade voucher?
The cardholder would receive the complimentary Lounge Access and One Class Upgrade voucher within 15 working days of enrollment as CV Silver member.
Q13) What is the validity of CV Points?
CV Points have a validity period of 36 months (3 years) from the date of earning.
Q14) What are the criteria for retaining my CV Silver Membership?
The Cardholder has to accumulate 15000 qualifying tier points or undertake 20 flights to retain his/her CV Silver Membership by the end of Annual Cycle, otherwise, he/she will automatically revert to being a CV Base member. Cardholders shall continue to enjoy CV Base privileges for lifetime as CV Base membership does not have an expiry. In case the cardholder meets the criteria to retain the CV Silver Membership, Vistara would renew the CV Silver Membership for 1 year. A new set of Lounge Access and One Class Upgrade vouchers would be issued to the customer in this case.
Q15) What is the criteria to earn CV Points on Vistara flights?
Members earn CV Points on the Fare value of their Vistara ticket irrespective of the distance and class travelled and irrespective of the mode of booking. Members need to quote the CV membership number at the time of booking or at the Vistara check-in counter. Members will be awarded 9 points for very eligible INR 100 (one hundred only).
Q16) What is the procedure for CV Points to be credited to my account?
CV Points will be auto-credited to your account once the travel is completed if the CV ID is mentioned at the time of booking and check-in.
Q17) How do I redeem my CV Points?
CV Points can be redeemed online by logging into CV account or by contacting Clib Vistara Customer Care at 1860-108-9999 or +91 120 669 9901 in case of any concerns.
Q18) Whom do I contact for membership related queries?
You need to reach out to the Customer Relations at custrelations@airvistara or Call at +91 928 922 8888 or +91 120 669 9901.
Complimentary Trident Privilege Membership.
Q1) Who can apply for Trident Privilege Membership?
Only Primary card holders of SBI Card ELITE and SBI Card PRIME are eligible for Trident Privilege Membership.
Q2) Which Trident Privilege Tier Membership am I eligible for?
You are eligible for Trident Privilege Red Tier Membership.
Q3) When can I apply? Can I apply for the Membership multiple times?
You can apply for Trident Privilege Membership within a year from the date of card issuance. You can avail the Membership only once.
Q4) How can I enroll for Trident Privilege Membership?
You can request for Trident Privilege Membership by logging in to sbicard or Customer Helpline Numbers: 39020202 (Prefix Local STD code) or 1860 180 1290.
Q5) After enrollment, when will I receive my Trident Privilege Membership ID?
You will receive a confirmation e-mail from Trident within 10 days from the date of request of Membership with your Membership ID and other details.
Q6) What will happen to my existing membership if I am an existing Trident Privilege Red Tier Member?
As an existing Trident Privilege Red Tier Member, you will continue to hold the same Trident Privilege Membership ID. You will be tagged as a SBI Cardholder for exclusive Trident Privilege Red Tier benefits after registration through SBI Card. However, you will not be eligible for Welcome/Joining points. Standard benefits will be as applicable.
Q7) What will happen to my existing membership if I am an existing Trident Privilege Gold/Platinum Tier Member?
The exclusive offer of 1000 Welcome / Joining Trident Privilege points for SBI Cardholders will not be applicable for existing TP Members irrespective of their tier of membership. Other benefits will be applicable irrespective of your current Trident Privilege Membership tier i. e. Red, Gold or Platinum.
Q8) When will the Welcome Bonus points be added to my account?
Welcome Bonus points are added to your account within 48 hours of activation of membership. These points are not valid in case of existing Trident Privilege members.
Q9) Where can I use Hotel Credit benefit applicable during my first stay?
Rs. 1000 credit will be provided at check-in and can be used during the stay for Food & Beverages and Spa facilities. It can't be adjusted against room rent. ). It has to be used during the stay and cannot be carried forward.
Q10) How would a SBI Cardholder avail the Exclusive Privileges under this program?
Cardholder(s) must enter promo code SBITH on the reservation console on tridenthotels at the time of booking to avail the exclusive privileges under this program. Alternatively, please make your booking on tridenthotels by using the exclusive link for SBI Cardholders: tridenthotels/lp/sbi-promo.
Q11) Is there an enrolment fee?
No, there is no enrolment fee.
Q12) What is the form of Membership? Will I get a plastic?
After successfully activating your Trident Privilege membership, you can log in to your account on tridentprivilege to save and print a temporary card on-screen.. Subsequent to your first stay, a personalized Trident Privilege card can be requested for by the member by calling up the Trident Privilege helpline number +91 11 2389 0657.
Q13) How can I earn Trident Privilege points?
Trident Privilege members will be awarded 10 points for very eligible INR 100 (one hundred only) spent during their stay.
Q14) Which are the participating Trident hotels where I can earn Trident Privilege Points?
Trident, Agra Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai Trident, Bhubaneswar Trident, Chennai Trident, Cochin Trident, Gurgaon (Delhi NCR) Trident, Hyderabad Trident, Jaipur Trident, Udaipur Trident, Bandra Kurla, Mumbai.
For most updated list of hotels, please visit tridentprivilege.
Q15) Where can I redeem Trident Privilege Points?
Points can be redeemed on stays, dining and spa treatments across all Trident hotels in India.
Q16) How long will it take to credit my Trident Privilege account after a stay?
Your Trident Privilege account will be credited with the eligible points within 5 working days from the time of the check-out of the relevant stay. Bonus points of 1st stay will be credited within 72 hrs after check-out. This will be done only for cases where promo code SBITH has been used at the time of booking.
Q17) Are the Standard and Exclusive benefits applicable through all modes of bookings?
The exclusive benefits are only applicable for bookings done through tridenthotels. Bookings done through the call center will not attract the exclusive privileges. Also, Standard and Exclusive benefits are not applicable for stays booked through OTAs, Travel agents or Group tours. It is applicable in case of Corporate bookings done on contracted rates through Travel Desks etc.
Q18) Will I earn Trident Privilege points for stays I have undertaken at Trident Hotels before enrolling into the Trident Privilege Programme?
No, you will only earn Trident Privilege points for stays you have undertaken at Trident hotels after your enrolment into the Programme.
Q19) What is the validity of my Trident Privilege Membership?
Your Trident Privilege Membership is valid for 2 years from the date of issue. At the end of 2 years, your membership will automatically be renewed for another 2 years if there has been eligible activity in the preceding 12 months, failing which membership will stand terminated.
Q20) What is the criteria for retaining my tier?
Red members can retain their tier by completing one stay in the preceding 12 months from the date of membership lapsing.
Q21) If, and when will my points expire?
Accumulated points will be valid for at least 2 years from the date they have been awarded. All points accrued in a calendar year (that have not been redeemed) will lapse post 2 years on the 31st of December. All points lapse when membership lapses.
Q22) Can I manage my account online?
Yes, Trident Privilege is a fully web enabled Programme. Your membership card number along with the password issued to you at the time of enrolment can be used to access the member website. The password can be changed subsequently.
Q23) What if I am not carrying my membership card? Can I still redeem my points instantly?
Carrying your membership card is mandatory for the instant redemption of the points. For redemption through support centre, card is not required.
Q24) Can I settle my bill partly by points and partly by credit card at a Trident hotel?
Yes, you can use your Trident Privilege points to settle the bill. The remaining balance (if any) can be paid by you using your preferred mode of payment (cash or credit / debit card)
Q25) Can I exchange my points for cash?
No, points cannot be converted or exchanged in to cash. If the amount requested for the Instant Redemption of points is more than the bill amount to be settled at the hotel, cash will not be returned to the member.
Q26) Are there blackout dates?
No, there are no blackout dates with instant points redemption. However, the room rates at Trident Hotels do vary.
Q27) Can I get a duplicate card if I have lost it or if it is damaged or stolen?
In the event of the membership card being lost or stolen, the member should inform the Trident Hotels contact center at +91 11 2389 0555 (operational 24 hours) and the replacement card will be sent without any charge.
Q28) I have lost my Trident Privilege Membership Card. O que devo fazer?
In the event the membership card is lost or stolen, you should inform immediately by calling the Trident Hotels 24x7 Helpdesk at +91 11 2389 0555 to block your card against any misuse and issue you a replacement card. The membership card will not be blocked or replaced until you verify your account details.
Cartões de crédito.
Know your Reward Points Earning Reward.
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Reliance Stock Trading, Demat, Corretagem e Comentários 2018.
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A Reliance Securities, uma empresa da Reliance Capital Limited Company, é a divisão de serviços financeiros do grupo Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani (ADA). O grupo ADA da Reliance está entre as 3 principais casas de negócios na Índia, com ampla variedade de presença em vários setores. Os principais interesses do Grupo abrangem desde comunicações (Reliance Communications) e serviços financeiros (Reliance Capital Ltd) até geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia (Reliance Energy), infraestrutura e entretenimento.
Rsec. co. in é o portal de investimento baseado na web (com Online Stock Trading) da Reliance Securities. Este website permite que o cliente invista e gerencie a maioria dos serviços prestados pela Reliance Securities, incluindo Equity (Stock) Trading, Commodity Trading, Derivativos, Investimento em Fundos Mútuos, IPO Investment, Life Insurances, Seguros Gerais, Money Transfer, Currency Derivatives, Gold Coins e serviços de cartões de crédito. A empresa entrou recentemente no Wealth Management com ferramentas como investimento em serviços de gerenciamento de portfólio vinculados ao patrimônio, produtos estruturados, seguros e fundos mútuos.
Negociação em: NSE, BSE e MCX-SX, MCX, NCDEX, NMCE.
Opções de investimento.
As opções de investimento disponíveis com Reliance Securities são as seguintes: Negociação de Acções - Entrega, Intraday, negociação alavancada baseada em Cash + Collaterals, Ordem de cobertura e Stop Loss, Ordens de Horário após o Mercado, Planos de Compra de Ações Regulares, Negociação de Derivativos R-Mobile Trading Equities Negociação de derivativos de moeda IPO Investment Commodity Trading (Ouro, Prata, Crude etc.) na MCX, NCDEX e NMCE Mutual Fund, Liquid Fund, Bonds, FD's Investment, Structured Products, Wealth Management e Portfolio Management Services, Premium Research Life & General Insurance Plano Ouro, ETF Gold, Serviços de Investimento NRI, QFI Investment Services.
Reliance Securities Rating (pelos clientes)
Você negocia com Reliance Securities? Títulos de confiança de taxa.
Informações sobre a abertura da conta Reliance Securities, Reliance Securities conta aberta, Reliance Securities custos de abertura, Reliance Securities abertura de contas, Reliance Securities abertura de conta, Reliance Securities amc encargos, Reliance Securities conta encargos, Reliance Securities conta encerramento.
Plataformas de Negociação da Reliance Securities.
A Reliance Securities fornece diferentes plataformas para negociação:
O Easy Trade é uma plataforma baseada em navegador para investidores iniciantes.
Insta Plus é um sistema de comércio baseado em navegador web que ajuda você a fazer pedidos diretamente através do mercado e ajuda a se inscrever online em vários produtos como MF, FD, Títulos, IPO, OFS, ordens AMO, Stop Loss, Planos de Ações Sistemáticas etc.
InstaXpress é uma ferramenta de negociação de alta velocidade baseada em EXE que permite monitorar o que está acontecendo no mercado em tempo real. Ele fornece um investidor com cotações de streaming ao vivo e chamadas de pesquisa, sistema integrado de transferência de fundos, juntamente com várias instalações de lista de observação. O investidor também pode fazer análises técnicas com as ferramentas avançadas de gráficos de ajuda.
O RMobile Xpress é um aplicativo de negociação móvel inteligente que permite que você esteja em contato com o mercado a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar durante as horas de mercado, com os dedos.
Reliance Securities Research Desk.
Reliance Securities Research Desk fornece pesquisa de capital independente para clientes de varejo. Tem uma equipe forte e altamente experiente de analistas que desfruta de uma rica mistura de juventude e experiência. Em termos de cobertura do setor, cobrimos setores como Automotivo, Componentes Automotivos, Bens de Capital, Engenharia, Cimento, Infraestrutura, Bancos, Softwares, Farmacêuticos, Telecomunicações, FMCG, Mídia e Petróleo. A Pesquisa Fundamental é amplamente baseada em ideias e oferece uma mistura de idéias de grande capitalização e mid-cap.
Encontre informações sobre a plataforma Reliance Securities, plataforma de negociação Reliance Securities, software de negociação Reliance Securities, Reliance Securities trading demo, Reliance Securities Demo, Reliance Securities download, Reliance Securities download software, Reliance Securities software, Reliance Securities stop loss, Reliance Securities trading e Reliance Securities conta de negociação.
Ofertas especiais da Seciance Securities.
Desculpe, não há ofertas especiais disponíveis pela Reliance Securities neste momento.
Taxas de Corretagem de Valores Mobiliários Reliance 2018.
Cobranças de abertura de conta de negociação (uma vez): Rs 950.
Gratuito para indivíduos que trabalham nas 500 maiores empresas / Gratuito para contas pré-pagas Negociação Cobranças anuais de manutenção (AMC): Rs 0 Cobranças de abertura da conta Demat (uma vez): - Cobranças anuais de manutenção da conta Demat (AMC): 200 rupias por ano.
Corretoras de Negociação:
Custos da conta Reliance Securities Demat:
Para instruções dadas em forma física.
Para instruções recebidas através da Internet / negociação on-line através da Reliance Securities Ltd.
Obter detalhes sobre os preços Reliance Securities, Reliance Securities corretora calculadora, Reliance Securities corretora, Reliance Securities planos, Reliance Securities corretora de revisão, planos de corretagem Reliance Securities, Reliance Securities transferência de fundos, Reliance Securities intraday corretagem, Reliance Securities encargos, Reliance Securities cobrar lista, Reliance Calculadora de encargos de títulos, planos de corretagem pré-pagos da Reliance Securities, encargos anuais Reliance Securities, taxas de Reliance Securities, Reliance Securities taxa de manutenção anual, corretagem de opções Reliance Securities e Reliance Securities trading charges.
Como abrir uma conta na Reliance Securities Limited?
Para negociação on-line com o Reliance Money, o investidor deve abrir uma conta. A seguir estão as maneiras de abrir uma conta com o Reliance Money:
Faça o download do formulário de abertura de conta em seu site e envie a cópia assinada devidamente preenchida para o ramo RSL mais próximo. Para abrir a conta de negociação on-line, vá para o site e abra a conta de negociação ou você pode inserir seu nome e detalhes de contato no site e seu representante entrará em contato com você.
Obter informações sobre Reliance Securities corretor, Reliance Securities ramos, Reliance Securities sub corretor, Reliance Securities apoio, Reliance Securities atendimento ao cliente, Reliance Securities usuário opiniões, Reliance Securities manual do usuário, Reliance Securities website, Reliance Securities revisão e Reliance Securities número gratuito.
Entre em contato com Securities Reliance / Request Call Back.
Prós e contras de títulos de confiança.
Vantagens de segurança de confiança.
Cada cliente pode negociar sozinho entrando em suas contas ou o cliente pode ligar para sua mesa de Call n Trade com assistência comercial. Produto intradiário alavancado com margens reduzidas que permite aos clientes negociar mesmo com 30 vezes de margem. Quase todas as opções de investimento estão disponíveis em uma conta, incluindo Equity Trading, Derivativos, Forex, Commodity, IPO, Fundos Mútuos e Seguros. Filiais estão disponíveis em todas as grandes cidades e o número está crescendo. Os clientes podem fazer pedidos após o mercado (AMO) para o próximo dia de negociação.
Benefícios de ter uma conta do Reliance Money:
Você paga taxas de transação comparativamente mais baixas. Como oferta introdutória, convidamos você a pagar uma taxa fixa de apenas Rs 500 / - e transacionar com o Reliance Money. Essa taxa é válida por dois meses ou um valor de transação especificado *. Veja a tabela para detalhes.
Títulos de Confiança Reclamações recebidas em BSE / NSE:
Número de clientes reclamados contra o corretor de ações da Reliance Securities Limited. As queixas dos consumidores Reliance Securities Limited fornecem o resumo da queixa que foi trocada por resolução.
* Número de clientes ativos que o corretor ou membro comercial possui. De acordo com as diretrizes do SEBI, cada corretor reporta os clientes recém-adicionados ao processo de troca através do código exclusivo do cliente (ucc). A informação nesta página é fornecida pela troca.
** O número total de reclamações recebidas contra o corretor na bolsa em questão.
Links úteis sobre o Reliance Securities.
Informações de contato.
Website: rsec. co. in Email: customer. support@rsec. co. in.
Comparação de títulos de confiança com corretores populares na Índia.
Reliance Securities Limited Avaliações.
Postar novos títulos de confiança de taxa de mensagem.
a empresa também não agiu como homem intrometido. Entreguei queixa à NSE, o caso ainda está ativo.
Plataforma de negociação precisa ser atualizada.
Alguns dos bons indicadores estão faltando no software de negociação.
número gratuito deve ser fornecido.
Não há necessidade de relatórios de pesquisa de negociação e tchau e vender idéias. Tudo pode ser visto no google e net.
Nunca abra demat para esta empresa. Eu fiquei nisso.
Eu tinha purchaed o valor de 25.000 de ações e até que eles estão me dando o limite de zero para qualquer intraday ou entrega, eles me disseram que você tirou ações que não estão me dando tal limite, enquanto minhas ações estão listadas em bse e nse e muito volume,
Se eu quiser comprar alguma parte, então eu devo ter que adicionar dinheiro do banco para demat, então eu posso até fazer intraday e até seu limite é apenas até o meu saldo não até 3 horas de crédito.
Eu tive outro demat na empresa local, eles nunca fizeram comigo como aqui, então meu conselho é esquecê-lo e abrir em empresas locais que custam mais corretagem, mas eles te dão limite para o seu negócio e você pode ganhar mais, então o seu limite . obrigado.
O que eu vejo agora no site aqui é que eles estão cobrando Rs 500 / - para transação de entrega de Rs. 10 lacs e non delivery 90 lacs.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - acima da média.
Usabilidade do site - muito pobre.
Atendimento ao cliente - muito pobre.
Experiência geral - abaixo da média.
serviços e suporte são perfeitos (Meu 4 ano de experiência) até mesmo meu corretor de filial (dehradun) é muito favorável.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - excelente.
Usabilidade do site - excelente.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Excelente.
Experiência geral - excelente.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - excelente.
Usabilidade do site - excelente.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Excelente.
Experiência geral - excelente.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - média.
Usabilidade do site - média.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Média.
Experiência Geral - Média.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - excelente.
Usabilidade do site - média.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Excelente.
Experiência geral - excelente.
O pior de tudo que você não pode aplicar o IPO ONLINE. Você terá que se apressar para o seu escritório ou gerente de escritório.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - excelente.
Usabilidade do site - abaixo da média.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Acima da Média.
Experiência geral - muito pobre.
Taxas de manutenção da conta - abaixo da média.
Usabilidade do site - média.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Excelente.
Experiência Geral - Média.
Taxas de manutenção de conta - excelente.
Usabilidade do site - excelente.
Atendimento ao Cliente - Excelente.
Experiência geral - excelente.
Postar novos títulos de confiança de taxa de mensagem.
Informe-se na conta de negociação de títulos da Reliance.
Corretores de Negociação de Ações.
Revisão do corretor de desconto.
Revisão do Full-Service Broker.
Comparação lado a lado.
Por corretores de ações populares.
Negociações de entrega de ações gratuitas.
Plano 20 por comércio.
Obtenha 100% de reembolso de corretagem se em 60 dias você tiver feito lucro líquido.
Principal corretora de varejo na Índia.
Rs 0 taxa de abertura de conta na Demat Acct + 20% OFF em negociação on-line.
Corretor de desconto de taxa fixa.
Rs 899 Unlimited Equity.
Rs 499 Unlimited Curr.
ou Rs 15 por Trade.
Menor taxa de transação.
Menor Chamada e Taxa de Comércio.
Menor imposto de selo.
Iniciante, investidor experiente, operador ativo ou HNI. Obtenha soluções personalizadas.
Rs 0 taxa de abertura de conta na Online Trading + Demat Acct.

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